Chapter 65

A few hours earlier


"REGINA! REGINA!" I yell, shaking her gently but nothing happens

I look down and let out a shaky gasp as I see the sheets stained with blood. This can't be happening! This really can't be happening! She can't be losing her children now.

Quickly, I run to my room and grab my things, running quickly back to an unconscious Regina.

Shakily, I pull back the sheets, holding back my screams of horror as I see the sight before me. I know it's too late, far too late to do anything, but I'm going to try to do something.

But the procedure to stop the bleeding makes her bleed even more; it's too late, far too late. But there may be hope yet.

I place the heart monitor to her stomach gently, one heartbeat, not two. This really can't be happening.

I put my head in my hands and start to cry, knowing what it feels like to lose a child. How am I going to tell Regina and Robin they've lost a child but one is still alive? Will they still want the baby who's still alive?

Slowly, I pull out my phone and dial Robin's number.

Ring, ring, ring... answer phone

Looks like I'll have to wait and gather my courage to break the news to them...

This was a flashback encase anyone was confused!
