Chapter 83

Two hours later


I can see the castle at last, we're finally here. All this trouble has come to this moment; I will finally be reunited with my daughter.

"You ready mate?" Killian asks

"Yes" I nod

And with that, we walk up the stairs to the castle doors. Killian goes to knock but I push his hand away and slam the door open, walking in.

"Robin you can't do that!" Killian whispers

"I just did" I argue

The sound of footsteps makes us both freeze as Belle comes in to view, frowning at both of us.

"Oh, Robin, Killian, is everything okay? Can I help you with something?" she frowns

"You can give me my daughter!" I growl

"I'm sorry?" Belle frowns

"My daughter, Amelia, your husband stole her when Zelena died, I want her back!" I snap

"Robin, what are you talking about? Amelia is my daughter, I gave birth to her four years ago, she's mine and Rumple's" Belle argues

I'm about to reply when he finally comes out, the imp who started all this, carrying my daughter in his arms.

"Belle, what on earth is going on? What do you two want?" he frowns

"Robin is claiming Amelia is his daughter" Belle explains

"Excuse me sir, you're very mistaken, Amelia is our daughter, not yours, your daughter died last year with her mother" he says

"Yet how come when I saw in the woods she told me she lived with you because you took her away from here because you killed Zelena! You've obviously given Belle fake memories to make her forget all this because she wouldn't willingly take Amelia" I point out

"Let's ask Amelia then shall we?" he says nastily, putting Amelia on the floor and turning her towards me

"Amelia, do you know this man? Be honest. Have you ever seen this man before?" he asks her

"No papa, I've never seen him before" she shakes her head

"See?" Rumple says triumphantly

"You've given her fake memories too haven't you? To make her forget me and Zelena!" I growl

"Robin, you're confused, Amelia is not your daughter!" Belle chips in

"No she is! I know she is! He killed Zelena for vengeance and then took Amelia and bought her here and gave you fake memories to make you think she was your daughter! Well it's not true! I'm her father and Zelena is her mother! Belle you have to believe me!" I beg

"Rumple is this true?" she asks, turning to her husband

"Belle of course it's not!" he lies

She walks away for a second and comes back with the dagger.

"Let's see if this works" she sighs

"Belle! I'm telling the truth!" he huffs

"I command you to tell me the truth Rumpelstiltskin, is everything that Robin just said the truth?" she asks, holding the dagger in front of him

"Yes it is true" he sighs, giving in

Belle drops the dagger, it clattering to the floor

"Belle, I can explain!" Rumple says

"You lied to me! Give me my old memories back, now!" she whispers

He hands her a vial of memory potion and she drinks it, a light shooting out of her. She gives Rumple a glare and picks Amelia up, trying to hand her to me but Amelia clings to Belle.

"Amelia, this is your daddy" Belle sighs

"No! He's my papa!" she cries, pointing to Rumpelstiltskin

"Amelia, he's not your daddy, this is your papa, you need to go with him, he's going to look after you!" Belle whispers to her

"No, I want to stay here with my mama and papa!" she cries again

"Amelia, it's me your papa, don't you remember me? We met in the woods?" I try

"No get away from me!" she screams, curling into Belle

"I think you should go, I'll deal with her" Belle whispers

I nod, tears falling down my face as Killian leads me out of the door...

