Chapter 14

1 month later


"You sure you won't come?" Robin asks me for the hundredth time this morning

"I'm sure, go and have fun, we'll be fine" I nod, holding Sophia in my arms

"Alright, we'll be back in a couple of hours" he smiles, kissing me lips and then tickling Sophia's tummy and making her giggle

"Bye papa!" Sophia yells after him

"Bye darling!" Robin shouts back, heading out the front door and closing it behind him

He still has that pale, worried expression in his eyes. He's been distant since Sophia's birthday party. I don't like to ask him about it because whenever I do he shrugs me off and says he's fine. So I've stopped asking him and assumed he's just upset after he lost his daughter last year and he's just missing her. Maybe.

"Just me and you for a bit baby girl" I smile at Sophia

"What shall we do?" I ask her

"Lilo and Stitch mama! Lilo and Stitch! With teddies!" she squeals back in excitement

"Okay, okay, let's go and get your teddies and sit upstairs" I giggle, carrying her upstairs to my room

Lilo and Stitch is her favourite Disney film. She asked me once if she could have a pet like stitch! But of course I said no.

I grab her teddies from her crib and place them on the bed, Sophia grabbing her favourite teddy that she loves to chew the tip of its ear. I press the button to make the TV unfold from the end of the bed. After Sophia was born I had to stay in bed a lot so this was the only way to entertain myself when Robin or Snow weren't around. Now that my tailbone is just healed I don't really use it anymore.

I place the DVD into the TV and sit back down on the bed beside Sophia, pulling her onto my knee. She rests her head on chest and I kiss her forehead softly, making her giggle.

"Mama, play, play!" she says, pointing to the screen

I press the play button and the movie begins to start. But before we can even start watching it, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shout

The door opens quietly and Henry comes in, smiling at the sight before him.

"Hey baby" I smile

"Hey mom" he smiles back

"Henwy!" Sophia squeals

Henry rushes towards her and kisses her on the forehead and tickles her, making her giggle and squeal with delight.

"Am I okay to join you?" he asks

"Of course" I nod, tapping the mattress on the other side of me

Henry sits down and I wrap my free arm around him, my other one around Sophia, who's managed to climb off my knee and onto the bed, snuggling her teddy and nibbling on its ear.

I press play again and the film begins...

Casually watching Lilo and Stitch as I write this, haha! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday, my internet went off so I couldn't upload :(! I'll upload again later, I promise to make up for yesterday! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
