Chapter 4


I watch as Regina takes Sophia over to the bed to dress her, tickling her tickle and making her giggle loudly and Regina giggling along with her. Their bond is so strong that they can't be separated from each other for long because they love each other so much. Regina never stops smiling now, she's never sad when Sophia's around and she loves her with every piece of her soul.

I love them both, they make me so happy and their smiles brighten my day.

Regina picks Sophia up who's now in her beautiful puffy pink dress and purple cardigan and giggling and smiling contently. She kisses her forehead and gently waves her hand over her brown hair so that all the knots are detangled because she hates having it brushed.

"Who's a pretty princess?" I smile at her

"Dada!" she shrieks, reaching out for me

Regina passes her to me and I take her into my arms, kissing her head softly and smiling at her as she giggles away.

"Your brother's will be here soon baby" Regina smiles at Sophia, making her smile even more

She loves Henry and Roland and they both love her to, Henry is rather protective of her which isn't a bad thing and it just shows how much he loves her. Roland loves playing teddies with her and chasing her around the castle, as long as they're both supervised by Regina or Henry or I.

The door opens, making us all jump and Roland and Henry burst into the room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIA!" they yell in unison

"Hewy" Sophia giggles, still not able to say her brother's name yet

He kisses her forehead softly and tickles her stomach, making her giggle again

"Mama" she says, reaching out for me

Regina takes her from me and into her arms, rocking her gently as she hugs Henry gently. Roland jumps into my arms and I kiss his cheek, making him laugh and squirm.

"Papa!" he says

"Sorry buddy!" I laugh

"Are we ready to go? We'll be late otherwise!" Regina says

Everyone nods so we head out the bedroom door, my free arm around Regina's waist.

So I'll probably update again later because I don't have any homework tonight (thank goodness)! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
