Chapter 43

Three hours later


I wake up to a horrible pain in my hip and in the back of my head and also in my leg. My eyes struggle to open as if they're stuck together with glue. Someone is holding my hand gently; I know that touch, that soft and gentle but manly touch. Robin.

What's going on? Why am I in bed? Why is my hip throbbing so badly?

Then it all comes back to me, the locator spell and how it failed, the bottle smashing around me and the spell backfiring and throwing me to the floor, landing in the shards of glass, it cutting my skin harshly.

"Regina?" Robin whispers

Slowly, I turn my head towards him. His eyes are red and tear stained, like he's been crying. I try to sit up but wince at the pain in my hip.

"OW!!!" I wince

"I know darling, you've cut your hip open and it's quite bad, no sitting up I'm afraid" she explains

Tears fall down my face because of the horrible pain that's coursing through my hip. Robin squeezes my hand to try and grab my attention.

"Hey, hey it's okay, you're going to be okay, I promise" he reassures me, stroking my hair softly

"It hurts" I cry

"I know, I know, I'll get Snow and see if she can get you some painkiller's" he smiles

He's about to place a kiss on my lips when another pain shoots through my hip, worse than the others, making me scream. Then I see the crimson blood stain the sheets of duvet, Robin sees it too and his eyes widen with fear and panic.

"SNOW! SNOW!" he yells

"It's alright darling, you're going to be alright" he reassures me

But I know I'm not, I know something is wrong and that it's not looking promising for me to survive whatever's happening. My vision starts to blur in and out of focus as the pain takes over my body. I look at Robin, his eyes filled with panic and worry.

"I love you" I whisper

The room starts to spin violently and the sounds around me become muffled, and then, I black out... 

DUN DUN DUN!!!! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
