Chapter 74


We walk slowly back to the castle. I think carefully what to say to Regina, but nothing is coming to my head that I can think of without upsetting her.

"You ready mate?" Killian asks as he opens the front door

"I guess" I nod

"You'll be fine, things will work out, I promise" he reassures me

"Thank you Killian, I appreciate it" I smile genuinely

"No problem mate" he nods

I turn away and head up the stairs, words forming in my head of what I can say.

But as I walk down the corridor I find Snow looking out of one of the windows of the castle. Why isn't she with Regina?

"Snow?" I whisper

She snaps out of her trance and smiles weakly at me.

"Is everything alright? Where's Regina? Is she okay?" I rush

"Robin, everything's fine, Regina's in her room and she's perfectly fine" she reassures me

"Can I see her?" I ask

"Yes, but Robin there's something you should know before you go in" she nods

"What is it?" I frown

"Her mother's here" she sighs

My blood starts to boil as soon as she says it. Cora, the woman who put my soul mate through hell, killed her first true love and made her marry the king, abused her when she was a child, never told her she had a sister. The ruthless woman who killed so many innocent lives.

I storm over to Regina's room, kicking the door open loudly and glaring at Cora as she turns around from Regina and towards me.

"Get away from my wife" I growl

"Robin, it's okay" Regina tries to reassure me


"Robin, I'm not here to hurt her or your family" Cora starts

I grab my bow and arrow and point it at her chest.

"I said get away from her, I never miss" I snap

"ROBIN THAT'S ENOUGH PUT THE BOW DOWN!" Regina screams, tears in her eyes

I see the pain and sadness in Regina's eyes and place my bow and arrow down, not taking my eyes off Cora.

"Get away from her" I mumble at Cora

She takes a step back so she's well away from my wife, her eyes filled with panic.

"What do you want?" I ask her

"I want a relationship with my daughter and her family" she sighs

"After all you've done to Regina you think you can just walk back in here like nothing ever happened? I don't think so! I don't trust you, you've killed so many people and I'm not letting you near my family" I snap

"Robin, I assure you, I'm not here to hurt your family or Regina. I'm here to make a fresh start and help Regina through this hard time" she explains

"Well we can manage perfectly fine on my own, we don't need you making things worse" I grumble

"Robin! For goodness sake! She's not going to hurt us! I'm giving her a second chance and she's staying here whether you like it or not, end of discussion!" Regina interrupts

"Fine, but if you ever hurt her, I swear" I give in

"Thank you Robin, I know what you're going to say. It's nice to finally meet you at last" Cora smiles, shaking my hand

There's a knock on the door and Henry comes in, Roland trailing nervously behind him and Sophia in his arms, her eyes wide open.

"Mama!" she squeals

Henry carries her over to Regina and places her in her lap. I watch as she interacts with her, her face lighting up, forgetting all of her troubles.

"Hi grandma" Henry smiles at Cora

"Hello Henry, it's nice to finally meet you properly. I'm sorry we weren't properly introduced last time" she smiles

"That's okay, I'm glad to finally meet you, I've put your cases in your room, it's just across the room from mom and Robin's" he nods

"Thank you" she smiles in gratitude

She turns away from Henry and heads over to Regina, smiling at Sophia in her arms.

"Mother, this is Sophia" Regina smiles as Sophia squirms about in her lap

"Hello darling" she coos, making Sophia giggle as she lifts her into her arms

"And this is Roland" Regina adds, pointing to my son who's trying to get on the bed to see Regina

"Hello, Roland, it's very nice to meet you" she smiles at him while rocking Sophia

"Hi grandma" he smiles nervously as he finally climbs into Regina's lap

"Regina, you have such a beautiful family" she smiles looking around at all of us

"I know, I'm so lucky" Regina whispers, leaning in to kiss my lips
