Chapter 7


I run to the front door, opening it quietly. No one's at the door, but a card with a pink envelope lies on the ground, addressed to Sophia. Where did that come from? I look around again, and then I see her. A little girl staring at me. She reminds me of her, my daughter. Her ginger curly locks and her blue eyes, she looks like her so much, but it can't be, she's dead. I must be imagining things.

"Hey, wait!" I shout to her

But it's no use, she runs away into the forest and out of sight. I frown, why was she so quick to get away from me? And who is she?

I shake the thought at the possibility of it being my daughter, Amelia and close the door behind me, shaking the strange feeling off me and heading back into the party to where my soul mate and daughter await.

Poor Robin! The story gets better from here, the plot I had in my head comes to life! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
