Chapter 86


The phone line goes dead. He finally answered. Whether Regina will want him in the room with her is a different matter but at least he knows.

Regina's screaming pulls me out of my thoughts and I head back into the room to find her on her knees, Snow rubbing her back through the monster of a contraction.

"I managed to get hold of Robin, he's on his way" I declare

Regina doesn't say a word, just focuses on the pain that's taking over her body.

"Did he... MMM... did he argue? Say he was too busy?" Regina stammers through her contraction

"No, he sounded quite upset when he answered the phone actually and said he'd be there as soon as possible" I sigh

"Well that's a surprise" Regina mumbles

"Maybe he was on his way back anyway" Snow suggests

"I doubt it Snow, he won't stop until he finds his, OWWWWW!" she starts but is cut off by another contraction

" Okay, that's enough talk about Robin, it's stressing you out and stress isn't good for you or the baby" Snow instructs us both

"I agree" I reply

"Snow, is this baby coming or what? The pain's getting worse!" Regina wails

"I don't think the baby will be here for a bit Regina, your contractions are still quite far apart" Snow sighs

"I can't do this anymore" Regina whimpers

"You don't have a choice darling" I point out to her as I help her onto her back

She sighs deeply and lies back on the pillows, closing her eyes...
