Chapter 51


The door opens again, making me turn my head to see who it is. Robin. I breathe a sigh of relief, it might not have been long since I last saw him but I've missed him in that time.

"Hey babe" he whispers, sitting beside me

"Hey" I smile

"How are you feeling?" he asks

"The pain killer's aren't helping anything" I sigh

"I know, it'll get better though" he smiles reassuringly

"I hope so" I sigh again

He puts a hand on my leg, making me yell in pain because it's where my cut is.

"Oh god, sorry darling, I didn't mean to, my hand was meant to go on the mattress" he panics

"It's okay, it doesn't matter; I'm fine" I smile, reassuring him

"Are you sure?" he asks

I nod and he kisses my lips softly before heading to the bathroom to get changed.

When he comes out he smiles and climbs into bed beside me.

"I need to change into my pyjamas" I sigh

"And how are you going to do that milady?" He frowns

"Magic, obviously" I shrug

He raises his eyebrows at me as if I've done something wrong

"What?" I frown

"Magic nearly killed you earlier!" he points out to me

"Robin, it was a potion, not magic" I point out

"Magic or not, it's too dangerous and I won't let you risk it!" he argues

"Robin, please just trust me!" I argue back

"Fine" he sighs, giving in

I click my fingers and I'm in my pyjamas with my teeth cleaned, hair washed and my body clean, the scent of the lemon and lime shower gel lingering on my body.

"See? Perfectly fine" I whisper

"You weren't perfectly fine earlier" he huffs, sinking down beside me

"Well I am now, that has to count for something right?" I whisper

"I guess" he sighs, kissing my lips

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" I whisper back

And with that, we switch off the lamps on either sides of our beds and Robin takes my hand in his as we drift off into sleep...

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! Wattpad was playing up again! So, do you guys want Robin and Regina's baby to be a boy or a girl or twins? Comment what you think so I know where to go with the story! Also, comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
