Chapter 37


I run down the corner and start banging frantically on the door, my fear increasing by the second as no one answers the door.

"REGINA! REGINA!" I yell through the door

There's a shuffling coming from the other side of the door and Emma appears, pale faced and worry in her eyes. I know that something's wrong.

"Emma? What's going on? Is Regina in there?" I rush

"Yes, Regina's in there, but you can't go in there because Snow's working on her and trying to stabilize her" she sighs

"What's happened? What's wrong with her?" I panic

"She was working on the locator spell but it backed fired and she dropped the bottle and it smashed and she fell into a pile of it and she's cut her hip really bad and she has other severe injuries and the bleeding won't stop" she explains

I sink to my knees, tears rolling down my face. Emma sinks down beside me, her hand on my shoulder as I cry.

"I'm sorry Robin" she says

"I need to see her" I mumble

"I know but you can't until Snow's sorted her out" she sighs

"She could be dead by then" I cry

"Robin I promise she won't, she's going to recover from this, Snow is going to save her, I promise" she reassures me

I nod, not believing her. She gets up and walks away, leaving me alone to cry and wait to hear the news about my soul mate...

Poor Robin :(! Do you guys think Regina will be okay? Comment what you think! Also, comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
