Chapter 73


I stare at my mother in shock. How is she here? Why is she here?

"H-how are you here?" I ask, my voice shaking

"I was given a second chance and I was released from the underworld. But the price was I had to stay in the Enchanted forest, I couldn't return to storybrooke. I lived here for years, waiting and waiting for something to happen. When I heard you'd all returned to the enchanted forest, I was overjoyed and I wanted to see you, but I thought I'd let you settle in and you wouldn't want to see me so I waited until now" she explains

"Snow, could you excuse us for a minute please?" I ask, looking at a very frightened Snow

She nods and reluctantly leaves the room, closing the door behind her quietly and leaving us alone.

"Why didn't you tell me I had a sister?" I whispered as my mother sits beside me

"What are you talking about?" she frowns

"Mother, don't play dumb with me, you know what I'm talking about! I had an older sister from a previous relationship! Why didn't you tell me?" I snap

"I thought it was for the best, I wanted to forget myself. When I came to storybrooke I was going to tell you but, things got in the way and it was too late. Is she still alive? Did you meet her?" she sighs

"Yes I did, her name was Zelena. She died last year, we never got along, even though we had the chance to before she died" I sigh

"Oh Regina, I'm sorry" she whispers

"So, tell me about your life, we need to have a catch up" she adds, changing the subject

"Well um, I met someone, his names Robin and he has a son named Roland," I start

"Really? You mean Robin the man with the lion tattoo?" she frowns

"Yes" I nod, smiling weakly

"Sorry, continue" she nods, edging for me to go on

"We have a child together, her name is Sophia Eliza and she's one years old" I continue explaining, not wanting to explain the worst part of my life

"Oh, Regina that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you! After what happened with Daniel I never thought you'd find happiness again, I'm so happy that you have!" she smiles

I bite my lip, holding back the tears of pain and sadness as the pain in my stomach overwhelms me and my stomach starts churning violently.

"Regina, darling what's wrong? You look ever so pale, has something happened?" she asks, looking at me with concern

"Mother- I, I'm pregnant again" I whisper

"Regina! That's wonderful, why are you upset?" she frowns

"Because it was twins but I," I start

"But what?" she whispers, taking my hand in hers

"I lost one of them" I mumble, bursting into tears

My mother instantly takes me into her arms, holding me close and rocking me from side to side, stroking my hair like she used to do when I was small.

"Regina, I'm so, so sorry. But right now, you need to remember that you have another baby inside you that needs you and loves you, and you need to be taking care of yourself" she whispers, tears running down her cheeks

"It's all my fault mother, I fell and that made me lose the baby. I killed my own child!" I whisper

"Regina, listen to me, you did not kill your child! These things happen, yes they aren't nice and it feels like your whole world has just crumbled but don't blame yourself because it isn't your fault!" she reassures me

I nod

"I love you mother" I sigh, smiling weakly

"I love you too" she smiles back

"Can you hand me that bowl please?" I ask, the acidic taste rising in my throat

She grabs the bowl and I hurl into it, while she holds my hair back and rubs my back soothingly.

When it finally stops, I lie back and stare at the ceiling.

"Now, I'm definitely staying to look after you" my mother smiles as she takes the bowl away
