Chapter 5


When we open the kitchen doors, everyone's waiting, beaming at the sight of us. I left the party organizing to Snow, hoping that she'd do a good job and she did, thank goodness!

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they yell in unison

Emma's the first to come over to Sophia, Mia's tiny hand wrapped in hers.

"Nini!" Sophia squeals, reaching out for her

Emma takes her out of my arms and into hers, bouncing her gently. I look across to Hook, who's holding the newest member to the pirate and saviours family, Ella Mae.

"How's Ella?" I ask Emma, looking over at Hook

"Really good actually, she's actually sleeping through the night now" Emma smiles, bouncing Sophia in her arms

"Mi mi!" Sophia interrupts, squirming out of Emma's grasp

Emma places her gently on the floor next to her daughter and they both crawl off together, chasing each other around the table, making us all giggle.

I lay my head on Robin's shoulder and he wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my forehead gently. We both stand in a comfortable silence as we watch Emma chase Mia around the room so she can feed her, but she's not having much look. Sophia watches from a distance, giggling to herself as Mia crawls frantically round the room to get away from her very stressed mother.

"I got this" I say to Emma

Mia comes towards me and I scoop her up into my arms, bouncing her gently as I hand her to Emma.

"Thank you, come on baby, let's get you fed" Emma smiles, taking her away

"Well done milady" Robin smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist

"Why thank you thief" I giggle

There's a soft knocking coming from the front door, snapping us all to attention. I move out of Robin's grasp to go and get it but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"I'll get it, you stay here and watch our princess" he smiles lovingly

"Thank you babe" I whisper, kissing his lips gently

Quickly, he kisses my forehead gently and then swiftly exits the room, closing the door behind him.

I'm so sorry for the late update! It's been a very long and boring day! But I managed to upload! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
