Chapter 28

5 hours later


I wake up to my stomach churning violently again and the horrible taste of vomit rising in my throat. I dash out of bed and run to the bathroom, only just making it to the toilet and throwing up violently. It continues for about half an hour non-stop, I'm surprised I have this much in my stomach because I've hardly eaten anything.

Someone starts banging on the door violently, but I'm too weak to speak or to move.

"Regina? Regina, open the door!" Snow shouts from the other side of the door

"I'm fine Snow" my voice manages to croak out

She pulls on the door handle and it creaks open silently, revealing her with a worried and panicked look on her face. Her eyes grow with panic when she sees my pale and shaking body.

"Dear lord Regina!" she whispers, dashing over to me

"I'm fine" I lie

"No you're not, you look like you're going to pass out! Sit back against the wall!" she argues

I nod and she helps me to sit back. I rest my head on the cool tiles and close my eyes, wishing this sickness would go away.

"What's going on?" she asks after a while

"I'm pregnant" I whisper

"You are?" she asks again, her face lighting up

I nod simply

"Does Robin know?" she asks

"Yes, he seems happy, I think" I sigh

"Where is he?" she frowns, realizing he's not here

"Out in the woods somewhere, trying to find Amelia" I explain

"Regina, he should be here looking after you!" she huffs

"I tried to get him to stay but he wouldn't" I sigh again

"How are you feeling about it all?" she asks, referring to the baby on the way and Amelia

"Okay I guess, I'm just worried that if he can't find Amelia he's going to be miserable for the rest of his life and we aren't going to have a good future together. I just hope for his sake that he finds her and that she's happy so he can come back and everything can just go back to normal and we can enjoy our life with Henry, Roland, Sophia and this little one on the way" I shrug, a hand on my stomach

"I hope that for you both too, you deserve your happiness after everything that's happened" she smiles at me

"Thank you" I smile at her

"Can I check on the little one and see how far along you are?" she asks

"Sure" I nod

So she helps me slowly get to my feet and helps me back to bed. I rest my head on the pillow while Snow check everything over.

After a while she stops and smiles at me.

"Well you're officially 6 weeks along and baby is perfectly healthy" she explains

I smile and let out a giggle, resting a hand on my stomach.

"I bet you can't wait to tell Robin the good news" she smiles

"That is if he'll listen" I sigh, knowing how preoccupied he is at the moment with his daughter

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I was watching Christmas films because it's Christmas Eve here Lol! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
