Chapter 108

The next day


"Now Roland, you have to be gentle with your mother, she's very tired. Do you understand?" I say sternly to Roland, Sophia resting in my arms

"Yes papa" he nods

"Let's go and meet your sister then" I smile, opening the door

I watch as Roland waddles in and stops when he sees Regina in bed holding Grace in her arms, looking incredibly pale, dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey baby, it's okay, I'm okay" she reassures him

He edges closer and climbs onto the bed and kneels beside Regina, looking in complete curiosity at his new sibling.

"This is your sister" she whispers to him

"What's her name?" he asks

"Grace" she smiles

"That's pretty mama" he giggles

She smiles at him and kisses his forehead softly and ruffles his curls.

"I've missed you mama, I thought I was going to lose you" he whispers

Her eyes well with tears and she wraps her arms around him tightly, being careful not to squash Grace as she does.

"Roland, I've missed you too, but you'll never lose me. I'm not going anywhere, do you understand me?" she reassures him

"Yes mama" he nods

"I love you Roland" she whispers

"I love you too mama" he giggles

"MAMA!" Sophia cries, interrupting the silence

Regina's head turns and she giggles and holds out her free arm that isn't occupying Grace and I place her into it.

"And I love you too my little princess!" she coos, kissing her forehead and ruffling her messy curls

"Baby!" Sophia giggles, stroking Grace's head softly

A gentle knocking on the door pulls us all to attention; we turn our heads to find Henry stood at the door, a gentle smile on his face. Regina gestures for him to come over and he sits next to Roland, tickling him gently and making him giggle continuously.

I smile at my perfect little family that's been through so much and has grown over the years. Regina looks over to me and smiles like she's never smiled before, she's happy once again. I smile back and sit beside her on the mattress, Sophia crawling into my lap and snuggling into my chest, Roland resting his head on Regina's shoulder.

"Lilo and stitch anyone?" Regina suggests

"Yes!" we all giggle

Regina switches on the TV and we all sit comfortably and watch the film. Regina lays Grace between us and I stroke her head softly as she drifts into sleep. I take Regina's hand in mine and smile at her and my perfect family.

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you too" she whispers
