The Ride

I glanced at the app, refreshing to get an accurate time. My uber would be here in 2 minutes, silver sedan. I closed the app and headed downstairs to the parking lot.

Slowly cruising through the lot was the silver sedan, and I flagged it down. I figured my driver was unsure of where exactly to park- my complex isn't easy to navigate. I hopped in the backseat and was greeted pleasantly by the driver.

As the car left the complex, I became engulfed in my phone, texting my friends excitedly and letting them know I was on the way. My phone alert chirped that my battery was down to 10% battery. I should have charged it before I left.

Suddenly, it started ringing. I sent it to voicemail as it was an unknown number.

Another alert. Voicemail from :*** *** **** I put the phone up to my ear to listen. "Hi, this is your uber driver. I'm in the parking lot outside of your building. I just wanted to let you know I'm here so if you're ready I'll be out here. I'm in a silver sedan parked in front of the mailboxes..." I made eye contact with my driver in the rearview mirror and he gave me a sinister smile as he continued down the road.
