
It's getting warm here. Too warm for my fur coat. But my master put me into this pod and told me to stay. I love my master. He is the best master in the world.

I grew up on the streets. I had to fight for my food, and a place to sleep at night. My master picked me up though, and told me that I was special. I would be one of the first living creatures in space.

He strapped me into the pod every day. It was uncomfortable and scary. But every time, he took me back out, saying, "Who's my good girl? Laika is my good girl!" I would do anything for him. I don't like the pod, but every time I am good for training, he smells excited and kisses me on the nose. And he gives me a biscuit.

Today was different than most days though. He gave me a long hug before strapping me in, and then kissed me on the nose. I tried to lick the tears from his cheeks, but he closed the door. Was I too naughty today? Maybe I wiggled too much.

I'm alone in my pod. I can't move. I can't hear anyone outside today. There is only black outside of my little window, and I cannot see anyone outside of my window.

My master didn't tell me that I was a good girl today. He said, "Who's my space girl? Laika is my space girl." I didn't understand that, but he was excited about it, so I wagged my tail.

I hope he comes soon. It's getting hard to breathe in here, and it's really hot now. I see a ball through my window. It's blue and green, and if I wasn't tied in here, I would want to chase it. I'll find it when I get out of the pod. Maybe if I was good enough today, my master will play ball with me.
