Terms and Conditions

James laid there in his bed shaking, unable to move, his hands and feet restrained. Two masked figures stood over him staring. He tried to scream through the layers of duct tape over his mouth as a third figure entered the room.

"Hello, James, or should I say Bardock the Barbarian?" the unmasked man said with a deranged look illuminated only by moonlight. "Well, it won't matter in a few minutes now will it?"

Muffled screams and cries are all that James is able to muster while trying to wriggle free.

"Now. shhh shhh shhh... Hush little Bardock. You agreed to this. Everyone did, remember? It's not our fault that nobody can be bothered to read anything these days..."

James' eyes widen as the man pulls out a fillet knife.

"Just what did you think 'End User License Agreement' meant anyway?"
