
People like to boast about how "ready" they are for the zombie apocalypse. These are usually people who have seen the movies and think it's all running and gunning and chopping heads off. And for some of them, it might be, and if they can pull it off without getting killed, all the more power to them.

But for most of us, there's something far more difficult about the world being overrun by zombies: dealing with our loved ones. You can be as good a killer as any, but when you see your mother shambling towards you, it can be hard to pull that trigger. Some may not even be able to, and pay the price for their inability.

I've dealt with this personally. First my father. Then my mom. Even my poor younger brother. I still feel awful about him. He was only eight years old. But it had to be done.

I wouldn't let my emotions get the better of me. This was survival. I would not be a victim of the zombie apocalypse.

And I can now safely say that when it starts, I'll be ready
