
It's been days here and I eagerly await death. I can feel my body going with each strained breath I take. I lie in this bed waiting for a light to show and finally take me from this and usher me into what lies ahead.

A light appears, along with a figure I can't exactly make out. It speaks to me in a hushed tone.

"I can feel the pain inside of you, the life from your mangled body leaving and filling this room... I will not take you from it."

I try to speak to the figure, but I don't have the strength to push the words.

"No, your suffering fills me, I have grown accustomed to your strife. I can remove you from this life, I could even regenerate your broken body, however I will not. I dwell in this place solely to revel in the agony ensued within its halls. I am malevolence in its finest form."

Tears form around my eyes resting in their sunken sockets

"Because I have grown to love your pain, I will do everything in my power to keep you there, the life draining from you and filling me. For this reason, I will ensure you stay this way as long as humanly possible."

His voice is interrupted by a door opening, a nurse steps through.

"Doctor, we need you in the ICU."

The figure turns, the glint from his stethoscope striking my eye again.

"Right away..."
