
"Annie, this is your new babysitter. Now, sweetheart, remember what we talked about this morning?"

Little Annie nodded her head enthusiastically while she greeted me with her sweet smile that revealed her buckteeth. I knelt in front of her and patted her head. "We're gonna have so much fun, kiddo!" I said as cheerful as I can. She remained smiling and she looked excited about me, her new babysitter.

"Alright, we're gonna return around midnight. Be sure to put her in bed before 9. Money's in the counter if you want to order pizza." Annie's father looked straight into her eyes. "What we talked about, alright?" He said and with the sweetest voice, she replied "Yes, daddy."

When I heard their car leave the driveway, Annie ran down to the basement door, laughing. "Come on! My toys are down here!" She exclaimed. Just my luck, I thought. As far as I've been in this business, kids were always scared of going down the basement, or in the laundry room. It makes it hard for me to clean the tracks when I do it in the living room or in their bedroom. I looked outside the window to check if the coast is clear. I paved my way down the hallway to the stairs that lead down the dark basement.

I easily walked down the flight as I held a chloroformed napkin behind my back. "Annie?" I called out. As I reached the bottom, I saw her. She sat under a light bulb that seemed to focus on her while she played with her doll. "I want to play! I want to play!" She chanted over and over again. Her voice echoed around the empty basement. I walked slowly towards her, checking for any vulnerability. Her voice rang inside my head that it made me dizzy and just when I was about a few inches close, I fell to my knees.

The room spun around in front of my eyes. I saw her jump down the chair and run towards two shadowy figures from above the flight of stairs. "Good work, sweetie." A lady's voice said. The figures walked down the stairs while Annie stayed.

"I told you Annie's going to listen." She continued.

"Well, I'll be damned. She never forgot what we talked about this morning." Annie's father said as he revealed his sharp fangs.
