Brave master

I wish I were as brave as Master.

He walks right through them sometimes, like he doesn't even see them. Sometimes they'll hang above him all night while he sleeps, dripping claws and eyes and all, just waiting for him to notice. He turns over, sliding his cheek across the tip of one of their poison nails, and then he'll wake up in the morning and pretend it was a bug bite.

But the worst is when he leaves. I start to whine every time he grabs that coffee cup and the little stick he puts in his computer, and he just scratches my ears and heads up to his office. I try to tell him they're behind him, above him, clutching to the wall, but he just won't listen. And sometimes, when he leaves, they don't follow him.

Sometimes they climb down the wall and stare at me for hours, like they're punishing me for warning him. He has to notice on his own, I guess. I've tried to take a cue from him and just pretend I can't see them, but now and then I'll still catch myself watching their corner of the living room.

Good thing he remembers to act like he can't see them. I wish I were as brave as Master.

And I wish he wouldn't leave me alone with them for so long.
