
The first thing I noticed was the smell. Oh, God, the smell! Like the devils toilet after a bad curry. The odour seeped into your skin, into your brain, and burned away your senses. I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes to look, telling myself it was best not seen. I wish I had listened...

The walls were built not of stone, but flesh- Black, rotting, peeling from itself. Sewn into this fetid construct were faces, so many faces, all snarling, screaming in agony and sorrow. The sound ate away at everything good I had ever experienced, dissolving my sanity, driving me to nothing but the madness these faces shared.

More faces. This time attached to shrunken heads, stuck from wooden stakes in the floor, quietly sobbing from the flies eating through their eyeballs. From the ceiling were countless foetuses hung by their own umbilical cords, crying out for their uncaring mothers.

I had to get out of there. I had to find someone and I had to show them this! I couldn't allow this kind of torment to go on!

I turned, preparing to run as fast as i...

My body wouldn't move. My body wouldn't respond. I was stuck, motionless. Like there were no muscles to move...

I looked down...

There was no body. Just a wooden...stake.

I was one of them. One of those god-forsaken heads. How did this happen? When did I turn into this?

Along with this realisation, the pain struck me. All at once. Surges, tidal waves of pain coursed through my neck and head. I could feel the spike piercing my brain, poking the inside of my skull! I screamed. I screamed with everything I had. Someone had to hear me! There had to be SOMEONE out there!

No sound came out. Of course. What was I expecting? I had no lungs...
