Perfect Society

They just appeared one day. They didn't want to hurt us. They were just trying to help us create the perfect world.

It's been 22 years since. We are in the most beautiful society we have ever dreamed of. Everyone is friendly to each other, care for one another as if they were family.

These beings who helped us create this society, we are not allowed to describe them as per their request and we respect that. We are a peaceful world because of them.

It wasn't always like this before They appeared though.

We had all sorts of problems. Wars, crime, hate, greed, lust. Pretty much everything you can imagine that was not moral.

First day they appeared, we attacked them in every way possible. Their bodies took no damage. They started taking certain people away one by one. Pretty soon, they took nearly 75% of the population.

I don't know where They took them but I never saw those who were took away again.

People They took had the same characteristics amongst them which were either too greedy, too violent, too selfish, were a danger to the society, always all too self involved, rarely cared for others.

Some say, They took them off to another planet and killed them.

Some say, They didn't believe in killing but They let them start their own world and dropped them off in a distant planet called Earth.
