The Piper

He was legendary. He could weave together a simple, clear melody that would penetrate your skull, calling to the deepest recesses of your mind and summoning you to him. We asked him for a simple favor. Our town was plagued by rodents that were filthy and riddled with disease. We asked him to call them all into a deep pit, so we could dispose of them. He agreed, albeit at a bit of a price.

And so, he played a song on that wooden pipe, a keening tune that rather sounded like a mournful farewell.

Once the last rodent was squirming inside the pit, villagers poured precious oil over the writhing mass, enough to coat every rat inside. One match did the trick. The air exploded with fire and millions of tiny screams. Like a gateway to Hell, the flames rose higher, burned brighter, radiating heat that forced those closest to stumble backwards.

The Piper, glowing from the light like an angel on High, held his hand out expectantly. The mayor wore an unapologetic mask as he placed half of the promised pay into the Piper's hands.

"Your job was much easier than you made it sound. You've cheated us! I'm being generous with even this."

The Piper's expression turned ugly, and suddenly he seemed more like a demon than an angel. He raised his pipe to his lips, and a wailing, angry tune burst out of the instrument. The flame danced higher and people started screaming...

As the children walked into the flames
