A quick message from our sponsers

Dear Valued Cryosleep Experience customer,

We are sorry for this interruption to your chosen reality.

We are sending you this message to inform you that your Cryosleep Experience credits are about to expire.

Your pod will be deactivated in 48 hours from receipt of this message.

As per our contract (section B. Paragraph 3a) we have endeavoured to obtain further credits from your estate and living relatives, but unfortunately have been unable to do so.

At this time there is no cure for your terminal illness/accident/demise (which ever appertains to your current state of being).

The Silver Service package we are providing does not include any attempt at resuscitation or hospital care upon pod shut down, however as stated in your original contract (section B Paragraph 4a) we will endeavour to make shut down as painless and comfortable as possible.

We hope you have enjoyed your chosen reality, and your Cryosleep Experience.

Regards, The Cryosleep Experience Team.
