Bloody fingers

A man walked into a hotel late one night and asked for a room.The hotel manager told him the hotel was all booked.

"We've only got one room left"He said"It's on the 13th floor but we don't rent one because it's haunted"
"I'll take it"The man replied"I don't believe in that nonsense"The man took the key and went up to the room to get some sleep.As soon he turned off the light, he heard the closet door squeak open.A pale, ghostly figure emerged from the closet and staggered forth, it's fingers dripping with blood.
"Bloody fingers! Bloody fingers!"It moaned
When the man laid eyes on the horrible sight, he grabbed his suitcase and left the hotel, running away in his underwear.
The next night, an old woman arrived late at the hotel. The manager told her the same thing.
"Sonny, I've seen a lot in my day"She told him"Trust me, nothing could possibly bother me".As soon as she got into bed, the closet door squeaked open and the ghastly figure stepped out with it's fingers dripping blood on the floor.
"Bloody fingers! Bloody fingers!"
The old woman shrieked and ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

A week later, a teenage boy arrived at the hotel. He also took the haunted room despite the manager's warning. He paid for the room, got the key and headed upstairs.After he unpacked, he took out his guitar and began to strum some tunes. Soon the closet door creaked open and the ghost appeared.As before, it's fingers were bleeding, soaking the carpet and moaning "Bloody fingers!"The boy didn't pay any attention to the ghostly figure and kept strumming his guitar.The ghost kept moaning and it's fingers kept bleeding.Finally the boy stopped playing.He looked straight at the hideous apparition and said "Shut up and get a band-aid"
