The Park

 I look at them everyday, little kids playing in the park without a care in the world, they keep themselves amused everyday with little games while their mothers or fathers sit without paying attention to them.

But now their eyes closely follow new arrivals. Strangers or people they don't recognize ......being as though some little ones have gone missing.

Look, I'm not going to leave you with anyway suspicions. It's me. I lure them in when their parents take their eyes off of for just one second and it's just as simple as "hey you want some candy or I have toys by this way" and they are following me like a lost kitten.

Once I have them I take them to a spot in the woods next to the park, and then I do what I have to do , slit throat, bag over their head, or rope around their neck and once they are surely dead I put their bodies in a sunken hole covered up by dirt and leaves.

I've had my eye on a little girl named Sally. I watched as her pigtails frolicked when she swung between monkey bars. A quick look at her mother, who was hiding a canister which I knew had to be alcohol, confirmed she was not paying attention. 10 minutes later we were in the woods and Sally was eating her promised candy. When she took her eyes off me I quickly grabbed her long pigtails and rapped them tightly around her neck. After 3 minutes she was gone. I dug up the dirt and leaves and dropped her body in, smiling with victory as I looked at the other 7 freshly covered mounds.

I returned to the park and took a glance at Sally's mother, now a drunken mess. I chuckle, she doesn't even know the fate of her daughter. I smile as a hour later she is talking to the police about her missing little girl. Now it's time for me to go.

I tug at my mothers shirt and tell her I'm ready and we leave the park. No one ever suspects me.
