
I have always hated mirrors. You can't trust them. My grandmother used to say they were portals. Doors, if you will, into "the other side." I don't mean the place beloved relatives cross over to in passing. I'm referring to the dark realm. The place children are told the boogeyman and other monsters lurk.

I have rules about mirrors, that I recommend you follow too:

First, when a loved one dies, cover up all mirrors you own at home and open a window. Covering the mirror is a must, but the opening of a window can be overlooked. This is too ensure that the spirit of a lost loved one doesn't mistake the mirror as a passage to heaven and gets trapped. Mirrors are tricky and will use any tactic to lure in a traveler. They are especially prone to these methods of deception if they were depressed, suffered mental illness, were children, or died of a horrible circumstance.

The window acts as a sort of, "bridge of truth" for the lost and confused. It reveals what is truly on the other side. A mirror will lie and play on weakness.

My second rule is, don't talk to your mirror. Don't even mention your fears near them. They listen.

Thirdly, don't sleep with a mirror in your bedroom. That feeling of being watched in the middle of the night, that even wakes you from sleep, is them.

Fourthly, don't make silly faces into your mirror. They loathe it. You don't want that. Just trust me.

My last rule is a new one. One I had to learn in a very dark and ugly way. Just please understand I was so tired of their games and wicked ways. I opted for a way out. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Please, never under any circumstances, break your mirror deliberately.

That's how you release them.
