My boyfriend

Darkness covers me as I sit in the cold and quiet basement. Duct tape covers my mouth and a blindfold covers my eyes. I'm so excited. My boyfriend is surprising me today. It's our anniversary. We've been together for a year. I still remember the day we met clearly. I was with my friends in the mall, walking around. He told me he spotted me from across the room and couldn't take his eyes off of me. He followed us around the mall, hiding when we turned around. He was so shy, it was so cute. Then, once my friends left in their cars, I was the only one left. I wondered the parking lot, looking for my car. That's when he stumbled upon me. He wrapped me up in a tight hug and picked me up. He then took me into his car. It was so sweet! He was giving me a ride. He told me that he loved me and had to have me. I was so happy. He gave me a drink and I took it. He said I look thirsty. Then, when I woke up, I was in this same cold room. He was so spontaneous! He got our own place and took me to it. It's so secluded too! He kept me down here, letting me sleep on a mattress on a floor. He says he can't afford much, but that he loves me. So I allow it. He visits me every night and gives me food and drinks. When I wake up, I'm always so happy. I hear his footsteps coming down the stars and smile beneath my duct tape. He removes my blindfold and I find him with a knife in his hand. At first I think he brought a cake, and he'll use the knife to cut a piece for me. But then he speaks.

"You aren't enough. I want someone new." Then my vision goes black and all I feel is pain as he lodges the knife into my stomach.

I should've been a better girlfriend.
