Riding along

I watched as the bus pulled to a stop, the brakes letting out an unearthly hissing scream that made my bones ache. With a groan, the door opened and I found myself greeted by the driver, a surprisingly young looking woman. She wore an old fashioned navy blue uniform and upon meeting my gaze, she tipped her cap to me.

"Evenin', come on in and grab a seat near the front. I always enjoy a good chat and you look like you got a story to tell."

I climbed aboard and took the front seat kitty-corner to her. I then glanced at my belongings, still clutched in my hands.

"You can toss that on the 'tother seat," she said cheerfully. "Not many more stops tonight and hell is a long ride away. Might as well make yerself comfy."

I obliged and pitched my sole belonging on the seat opposite. It rolled a little then came to a stop, sitting upright. The driver chuckled as she closed the door.

"So let me guess, you're the evil one, right?"

I merely nodded as the bus began its journey, the severed head of my twin brother rocking slightly on its stump of a neck in the opposite seat.
