Not quite right

"Hey, daddy!" Olivia greeted as she walked in. "Hey, baby. How was school?" I asked. It was her third day of second grade and my wife had just picked her up from school. "Great. I made some new friends!" She replied, setting down her backpack and sitting next to me on the sofa.

"Really? Sweetie, that's great! What are their names?" I inquired, happy that she was fitting in. See, Olivia is kind of.... Different. "Well, there's Jenna, Ana, and Lena. We're all the same. We are all only children, all of us love venomous snakes, and our favorite color is black!" She exclaimed, starting to become excited. I sighed. I was slightly disappointed that her friends weren't "regular" little girls, but they were little girls and her friends nonetheless. "Ok, Liv. I'm really happy for you. By the way, where's your mom? Is she still in the car?" I realized my wife hadn't walked in behind her.

"No, daddy. See, I'm not exactly the same. I don't fit in quite right. I had to fix that." I was starting to get worried. "Olivia, how are you different? Where is your mother?" I stood up, walking towards the window to check outside.

"You see, daddy, I need to be the same. And with my mom around, I couldn't be. Jenna, Ana, and Lena? They all live with their daddies. ONLY their daddies."
