Epilogue part 3

Hey sweeties...

Last part of the epilogue...

Thank you soo much for being with me through out the story...

Ignore the mistakes please...

Now i have finally put a tick mark on my story... i am really happy...

Lets not waste any more time...

Have fun reading.....


A new morning in MM mansion...

Inside a lavish bedroom two members are seen cuddling eachother... they had pure bless and slight exhaustion on their faces... the boy was shirtless while the girl wore his shirt...(if you know what i mean😉😆😆)

A small knock was heard... the door was opened with a CLINK revealing a chubby little boy with big doe eyes and small lips... his cheeks were puffed as if he was annoyed seeing his parents still sleeping...

The woman's her eyelids fluttered a little... she was awakened by the knock but hearing the small thumps against the floor she realised it was her Little bun and closed her eyes...

The chubby little kid went near the bed and tried to climb it up... after a lot of struggling he was tired and pouted protruding his lips...

He looked at his unmoving parents and sighed... he once again held the blanket to climb and was successful this time... he slowly went and sat on his fathers chest who was sleeping with his mouth open...

He took deep breaths before trying to shake his father...

Boy: Papa, wakey wakey... mumma... papa... he shook them for a while but seeing no moment he frowned... looking at them sleep so peacefully and cuddling with each other he pouted...

He then pushed, well, tried to push his father aside to sleep between them... sensing what her little bun wants the woman slowly moved away to make place...

Finally fitting between them the boy smiled happily and hugged his mother...

Voice: papa ke liye no hugs ha... he said as he turned towards the boy who gave him a sheepish smile...

Voice: of course my baby bun loves me only right... my baby... the woman said hugging the boy to her chest giving the man a smirk...

Boy: yes, Abhay loves mumma only... he said happily hugging his mother...

Man: dreamy... he pursued his lips and bought her into his arms along with their son...

Nandu: Mani... what are you doing... she whisper yelled at him who was now hiding his face in her neck breathing deeply...

Manik: i am breathing you... he said while nandu rolled her eyes... he slipped his hands under her, well technically, his shirt and held her bare waist making her gasp... she hit his hand slightly...

She then focused on her little bun laying on her shoulder... seeing this manik tightened his hold...

*I am even jealous of my own son...*

He thought looking at the duo...

Nandu: baby bun... kya huva aap yaha kyun aaye... she asked softly trying to ignore the tingles on her skin as manik made circles on her waist...

Abhay: mumma... di is teasing me... he pouted while manik chuckled...

Voice: no i did not... came a soft smooth voice... there stood manik malhotra's love clad in her PJ's... manik smiled at his daughter... belle looked at manik and ran to him for her morning hug...

Belle: Daddy... she exclaimed happily...

Manik: my love... had a good sleep... he asked rubbing her head affectionately while belle nodded her head like a puppy...

She was now 11 years... she grew her hair like her mother and her confident eyes reflected her dad...

Nandu looked at them and pouted...

*why was her daughter so partial with her...*

She thought but looked at the little bun in her hands and smirked to herself...

*no worries... i still have my little bun...*

She hugged him kissing both his cheeks with a big sound...

Abhay giggled at her... seeing this belle raised her brow... a mischievously glint could be seen in her eyes...

She reached her hand out and pinched his chubby cheeks so hard that the became red... nandu frowned and held belles hands...

Abhay looked at nandu with slight tears in his eyes looking ever soo cute making nandu hug him...

Nandu: awee, my little bun... di is such a bad girl isnt she... she said...

Manik: you are so frail as a girl... my love you can start calling him Abhaya... you have a baby sis now... he said... belle and manik giggled at them together... manik had his arm around belle now... seeing his dad make fun of him abhay turned even teary...

Nandu: Mani and little bell, stop making fun of my bun... or else mani is going to sleep out and you little lady are going to be banned from eating choco sticks and i wont make them again... she threatened to which both manik and belle widened their eyes... horror was written on their faces... they nodded immediately not wanting her to implement them...

Seeing this nandu smiled being satisfied... she then let Abhay and belle go back to their rooms after giving them morning kisses...

She then took off her blanket revealing her slender legs since she was only wearing his shirt... manik gulped seeing her walking towards the washroom intentionally swaying her hips...

Manik too went behind her to see her standing infront of the mirror... she looked at him and raised her brow...

He went and back hugged her but never once took his eyes away from hers...

Manik: you forgot my morning kiss... he said... his voice was hoarse...

She shivered slightly before tiptoeing to kiss his cheek innocently...

Manik grinned mischievously as he dived down for a long soul stealing kiss...

After a long time manik and nandu finally came out... they dressed up and went down to see Belle and abhay along with FAB3 and abhi sitting on the dining table chatting away...

Manik went near them and sat down as nandu went up again to bring her phone as she forgot...

Manik: hey guys... cabir kaha hai... he asked making the four grin...

Mukthi: aur kaha ho saktha hai bechara... phir se madhubala ke peche pad raha hai... poor cabbu... she said but her smirking expression really contridicted what she said...

Manik shook his head...

*my friend cabir... i pray for your safe journey to heaven... this is the best i could do to you...*

He thought... silently sending his prayers... soon they were engaged in another convo...


Nandu who went to their room to get her phone was halted on her way down seeing a photo... it was when abhay was born... the first time she held him in her arms... beside it was manik and abhays picture... above it was abhay and belle's picture... towards the left was nandu and belle's... and above that was manik and belle's picture... it was her first day to school... manik was more nervous than belle herself...

Nandu let out a smile... her eyes then fell on the big family portrait... when she says family... she means every single one...

It had FAB5, abhi, arya... arno... her chacha, chachi and navu... it had neyo mom and raj papa... belle and abhay... and finally grand ma and grandpa...

It was perfect... she stared at it a little longer...

Nandu: It wouldnt be this big if i hadnt met you... she said looking at her man... his brown eyes were so attractive that she ended up in a daze...

She smiled to herself before shaking her head...


Time skip... 30 years later...

The sun was setting slowly... it looked amazing... the waves slowly reached the shore... it was quiet everywhere...

Manik held nandu's hand as he walked her towards the bench... both were tired walking from their cabin to the bench near the beach...

They had been living here for 10 years now... both belle and abhay were married... and had children... they didnt have any more wishes...

They spent each day supporting one another... they spent each day together... they felt their love grow towards each other... it never lessened...

Yes, they did have fights like normal couple but at the end of the day they both couldnt sleep without cuddling with each other...

Belle had been visiting them frequently... she was going to come today... Abhay too... he was the one handling the malhotra empire... while belle was the one handling the underground...

It was manik's idea since he thought his daughter was the one rightful for that position... and of course arno was more than happy to train her... nandu had to keep an eye on them so that belle doesnt over exhaust her self...

Belle eventually grew stronger and tougher... manik was obviously proud of her...

Nandu leaned towards manik...

She was tired... and she knew he was too...

She suddenly felt him kiss her head...

Manik: dreamy... i love you... he whispered... nandu sensed his uneven breaths before it grew slower... eventually his body weight slowly fell on her... she held her hand tightly and leaned towards him...

A slight tear rolled down her cheeks... that wasnt due to sadness but happiness... he was the reason that she was truely alive... she would be forever grateful to him...

The reason...

He didnt abandon her that day...

He married her and took responsibility...

He was truthful and loyal to her...

He treated her like a person... he respected her...

How can someone not like someone like him...

She was greatful to belle who was the reason they both were together...

And lastly she could never forget the day they met...

Slowly closing her eyes... she waited for the next life where she would love to fall in love with this man again...


Belle and abhay had arrived at the same time and were slightly surprised to see each other... suddenly they felt heavy... as if some thing was about to happen...

They immediately went inside the cabin but were greeted with silence... their hearts grew uneasy...

They took their steps towards the bench were their parents always sat... they saw two silhouettes and sighed in relief...

They went towards them to see they both had smiled on their faces and were leaning against each other...

Belle: mumma, daddy... we are here... why are you sitting here... its cold... she said as she tried to wake them up...

Their bodies were cold... belle held on to nandu's hand tightly...

She couldnt believe it... she tried shaking them again... Abhay who was behind her looked at his unmoving parents...

His eyes held tears...

He wished to push them and sit between them and cuddle together with his mother... his father would then scold him thoroughly while his di would tease him...

He wished they both would open their eyes and laugh at their bewildered faces saying it was a joke...

Belle's loud wails woke him up... He went near belle and supported her...

Abhay: di, dont cry... look, mom and dad look so peaceful now... he said hugging her who returned the gesture...

They both looked at their parents with tears in their eyes... they indeed looked peaceful...

Belle: but... she muttered looking at them...

Abhay held her hand tightly as they held their parents hand one last time...

In the end, abhay and belle had to arrange the funeral... the buried both manik and nandini together... belle was a crying mess while abhay wasnt any different... he just wasnt showing it...

That day evening...

Abhay sat on his bed... his hands covering his face... tears trailed down his hands... his wife pia was sitting beside her and hugging him...

They heard a knock... pia opened the door to see belle...

She let her in before going away...

Belle: little bun... she spoke with a hoarse voice... abhay lifted his head... he looked at her with blood shot eyes...

Belle sighed and sat beside him and hugged him tightly...

Belle: i miss them... she said...

Abhay: me too...

Belle: do you think they are in heaven now... or maybe in their next life... she asked while abhay rested his head on her shoulder...

Abhay: no matter where they are... they will always be together...

Belle chuckled at his phrase... but it was true... she had witnessed their parents love story... she would always tease abhay since he couldnt be there...

A small tear rolled down her cheek but she brushed it away... and a small smile was playing on her lips...


Girl: mumma grand pa loved grandma soo much right... she asked innocently...

Belle: yes my dear... she smiled as she sat beside her munchkin... they were visiting her parents...

She would come here often to talk with them...

Girl: mumma what written on that... she asked pointing to the stone...

Belle: In the loving memory of Manik malhotra and nandini malhotra...

Here lies a beloved mother, wife, grand mother and the most outstanding woman in the whole world...

Here lies the most amazing dad, husband, grand father and the most awesome man in the whole world...

Manan hamesha together forever...
                                                   The End...


How was the chapter guys...

Did you like manan's moments...

Did you like the chubby abhay...

Did you like the family interactions...

Did you like the time skip... how was manan's last moments... did you like the brother and sister duo...

Finally how was the story...

Other people's stories will be updated after some time... hope you understand...

Thank you for being with me and supporting me endlessly...

hope you will support me with my other stories too... please give it a try you wont regret...

Hope you like it...

Yours one and only

