37. kill yourself... or you die...

hey sweeties... here is the part 2 of nandu's past...

inline comments are really appreciated........ actually guys this chapter is a little too short... but don't worry there is one more part... i cut it short because i didn't know where to end the chapter...

hope you like it.............................



we can see a girl with a light pink dress which was covered with dust making it a little black... she was breathing heavily as a tall and sturdy man stood in front of her in the darkness with no pity or sympathy for the little girl... ( imagine it covered in dust guys...)

Arno: listen, little girl... I will say this just once... if you want to get out... you have to kill me or you can choose to starve and die in here... he said as if he was bored of this...

( Arno pov... I knew shouldn't have come here... even though her father is my benefactor there is no need for me to waste my time on her... she is just a kid what can she do... but in this world there is no room for a kid like her... and that dagger in her hand is one of the finest in the world... for it to be in the hands of a mere kid... hmmm too bad but none of my business though... he thought as he shrugged...)

nandu tried to hit him but he just moved aside as if she wasn't even there... her hands were paining from all the swinging... every time she tried he would move away as if it was easy for him... she gritted her teeth in anger... she remembered her father's words...

appa: beta no matter what remember you should never give up... you should live on...

nandu swang the dagger one last time before falling on to the ground with a thud... Arno looked at her and turned around to leave...

Arno: such a pity... he thought as he made his way out... he was halted when he heard a voice...

nandu: wait... I am not done yet... she said and stood up with the help of her tiny hands... she held the dagger tightly and moved forward towards him... he looked at her raising his brow...

Arno: kid... not knowing your limits is also a death wish... he said... he could clearly see that she was exhausted... he frowned when he saw her still move...

nandu: no!!! she shouted and swang the knife towards him who moved away from it but Nandu didn't stop right there... just as he moved away she swung the knife in a swift move catching him a little off guard but of course he, as a well-experienced killer, escaped it...

he chuckled darkly...

Arno pov... looks like she calculated this pretty well... well after all she is still the DAUGHTER OF THE FORMER MAFIA KING...

Arno: you can go out... he said chuckling at now the collapsed girl... nandu was breathing heavily... this was the first time she ever thought of killing someone... she didn't want to accept the fact that she wanted to kill him... she never thought she could be like this too... it was scary... she really wanted to give up but something in her made her stand again... she never wanted this to happen again...

Arno came back to check if she was still ok... not that he wanted to... it was because of her chacha...

nandu was shivering severely hugging her knees... she was very afraid... of herself... seeing her like this Arno frowned...

Arno: listen, girl... if you want to live... you better kill yourself... if not you are gonna die in the hands of other... no one ever wants to take care of a weakling... you would just be a burden to the people around you...

he knew the words he said were VERY HARSH... but the outside world WAS EVEN HARSHER... if she wanted to live then she needs to rely on her own...

Arno: I guess I could just treat this as my repay for my debt... he thought... looking at her who looked emotionlessly back at him... he sighed and went away... leaving her all alone staring at the darkness... she was not afraid... no, it's just that she couldn't feel anything... that night NANDU TRULY DIED...


so guys how was the chapter... hope you liked it...

please respond.... and do comment on my chapter...

so did you like Arno...

did you like the fight... please repond...

and what do you think will happen next...

stay tuned to know more.............................

by your one and only

