45. ๐Ÿ˜ˆnice meeting you too Mr. manik malhotra...๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Hello sweeties... missed the story...

Really sorry guys... i was at my granny's home and couldn't update much...

Now that i am back... i will definitely complete my story...

Sorry for the small chappy guys...

So excited much... then please, please do vote, comment and follow guys...

Hope you like the chappy... have fun reading.........................

And i think i am going to keep him as mike... say your opinion...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Recap for those who forgot... like me...๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

System: processing... 1%... 5%... 11%... 18%... 23%... 59%... 80%... 95%... 99%... 99%... 99%...

Nandu: why the heck is it taking so much time... I only have 13 seconds left before Ricky finds out...

12 seconds... 10 seconds... 9 seconds...

Click* the door opened... Nandu turned her head towards the sound...



System: process complete...

Nandu: mike... she said in disbelief... while mike looked at her with wide eyes...

Mike: boss... you are awake... thank god... i was about to go crazy... he was about to speak more when he observed nandu looking at him with doubtful gaze...

Mike: nandu i am on your side... i will never betray my one and only boss... he said winking at the end... while nandu let a small smile before opening the suitcase in front of her...

There was a gun, a small bottle of liquid and a cell phone in it...

She took the gun and loaded it with ammo and put it in her pocket...

Mike: nandu abhi and arya are also here... he said while nandu nodded at him to continue...



As mike turned around to leave someone grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth...

Mike was about to teach the person a good lesson when he heard...

Abhi: you idiot... its us... he said in a loud whisper... while mike widened his eyes...

Abhi: where is nandu... he asked directly... while mike gestured towards the hand on his mouth...

Arya: oops... sorry... he said smiling sheepishly... while mike rolled his eyes in disbelief... these guys never changed...

Mike: boss is inside that room... he said pointing towards the room... while abhi nodded as if thinking something...

Abhi: wait a minute... now that you are here... why dont you go and give this to nandu yourself... he said while mike nodded his head... he had no problem in helping them...

Arya: you are thinking to escape from extra work aren't you abhi... he said while abhi smiled sheepishly... mike rolled his eyes again before walking towards the room as if nothing happened...


Mike: abhi asked me to give you this... and they are heading towards ricky... arya told me to say that everything is going as planned... he said what they told him without questioning anything... because what his boss does is always correct in his eyes...

He handed her the box with abhi gave... nandu took it then took the small bottle of liquid and kept it there...

She took the phone and put it in the plastic bag and gave it to mike...

Nandu: mike take this and go to the back side of the building... there will be a car waiting for you... get in and give it to abhi... she said while mike nodded his head...

Mike: then where are you going boss... he asked innocently... while nandu just gave him a grin which answered all of his questions...

Mike pov... i hope ricky rests in hell after this... he always shamelessly follows boss even after knowing boss doesnt give a damn about him... and on the top of it he is very cruel to his own men... my boss is an angel...

He thought nodding his head... if nandu heard what he was thinking then she would have coughed blood...

Soon mike walked out of the room leaving nandu inside...


Mean while near ricky...

He walked towards the room where the person who wanted to meet him was...

He kept on pondering about who that person was but couldnt get a clue...

He opened the door to see a well built person's back... seeing him made ricky feel off...

Ricky pov... i think i saw him somewhere... he thought as he walked near him...

Sensing someone coming near the person stood up to greet...

Person: nice to meet you again Mr. Ricky aka mafia king... he said in a polite manner...

Ricky: nice to meet you too... Mr. Manik Malhotra... hope everything is fine at your home... or is there anything missing like your wife maybe... he said sneering... manik shook his hand and sat down in his place... his body guard gave him a handkerchief... which he took and cleaned his hand as if he touched something dirty... seeing him like this made ricky boil with anger...

Ricky pov... manik, manik, manik... i was going to leave you alone... but you yourself came out to me in search of death... i definitely wont leave you... not this time...

Manik:ย  you should give my wife back to me ricky... before its too late... he warned him...

Ricky: oh my god... i am so scared... he said while making a i am so scared look... making manik even angrier...

Ricky: do you seriously think that after coming here and threatening me you will be able to go back... no one has ever been able to stop me... what are you to me ha... he said sneering at him while manik clenched his jaw in anger...

Manik: ricky, ricky, ricky... do not underestimate me... who knows... what if i was the one to put a stop to your so called success... and your life... he said smirking while this irked ricky... he just wanted to rub that smirk off maniks face...

Ricky: are you sure... he asked as he signaled his men... now manik was surrounded by ricky's men...

Ricky: now are you sure... he asked him again with a sly smile...

Manik just looked at him with his very own famous smirk...


As soon as mike left nandu tapped her smart watch to see a notification...

Manik: as you wish... my dreamy...

This bought a smile on her face... but again she frowned... something was not right...

She then tapped the Bluetooth icon which connected her mask and the watch...

She tapped the GPS icon in it... a map appeared in front of her eyes... she tapped on the red dot which is maniks location... it was in the ground floor of this very building...

Her frown deepened seeing this...

Nandu: i told him not to... she thought as she breathed heavily...

She then tapped the x ray vision icon in the watch... soon a black screen appeared in front of her... she turned towards the door... here were two men guarding the door... and there were a total of 82 men in the whole building excluding manik and ricky...

She then tapped music icon in the watch...

She didnt wanted to hear all those screamings... so you shouldnt blame her you know...๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

She sneaked out of the room and went behind the first man... she slowly pulled out her dagger and stealthy sliced his neck before anyone noticed... she then took his guns... seeing his comrade down the person pointed his gun towards the culprit to see no one...


Nandu came out of her hiding and went to collect his ammo...

She cursed the gun as it didnt have a silencer alerting the people on the floor...

The people who spotted her started firing their guns...

Nandu too didnt waste any time...

* bam * bam * bam...

It was a little hard for nandu to avoid the bullets since the hallway was a little cramped... her sholder was slightly grazed by the bullet...

Nandu: damn... i need to finish this fast... she thought as she continued to shoot the people infront...

After defeating them she took their spare ammo with her and went straight to the elevator...


The only people present here were all ricky's men... they were roaming here and there when they heard a sound...

* ding

The elevator door opened revealing no one... two people when near to check when...

* bam *bam

Nandu came out with guns in both of her hands looking very lethal...

She dropped one of the guns as it was out of ammo... and started shooting again...

As if on a cue, gun firing sounds were heard... people in red and black were killing ricky's men one by one...

Arya came near nandu who nodded her head they both along with some body guards went near a room...

Nandu opened the door just to see.......


In the next chapter...

Ricky: i know you need me nannu... i know you do... he said with a sly smile...


Nandu: MANIK! She shouted excluding a very dangerous aura around her as she hugged manik to herself...


Mike: abhi... here you go... boss gave this...


Abhi: i never expected this from him...


So guys...

How was the chappy... not too crappy right... hehe...

So what is going to happen next...

what did nandu see...

and what is the connection between abhi, arya and nandu...

how come abhi and arya are in maniks gang...

so how was mike... who do you think will win in the end...

SPOILER ALERT... there will be a special entry next... who do you think is that special entry...

Keep guessing... and stay tuned to know more...

By yours one and only

