36. NM'S PAST.......Arno???

Hey sweeties... here's your most awaited chapter...

Seeing the title I bet you are confused right..........

Don't worry jaldhi sab samaj me aayega... pehle pad tho lo...( you will get to know everything... read the chapter first...😉😊😊😊)


inline comments are very much appreciated guys... please do tell me...

and this chapter consists of 4020 words guys... a really big one as compensation... please respond for this one chapter... and i am gonna divide it in parts...

Ok fine without any further ado... vote, comment and follow guys...

Have fun reading..................................


Recap... to make it more exciting...

nandu: I must be very drunk that moment... and yes I know you from before... I know you would have searched everything about me mani... but there are some things people don't know about me... let me tell you a story... she said as she looked out into the garden...


If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.
― The Dalai Lama



I looked at mani to see him looking at me blankly... it really hurt me though to see MY MANI like this... I seriously didn't want him to find out or ask me in this kind of situation... I thought to explain once HE FELL IN LOVE WITH ME but then it would be THAT I BETRAYED HIM RIGHT... a relationship should be built on trust as he believes... and I don't want to lose him... no, I just can't... but if he hated me after this then I will go away from him... far away... I held his hand tightly as i thought back into my past...

nandu: you know mani... (she said taking a deep breath) when I was little I used to have everything without the need of asking and I just lived in the small bubble I created for myself... which my amma and appa created for me... without knowing anything about the "real" world... (she said emphasizing the word real with a chuckle...)

you know ignorance is really a blessing... I was really happy... I was not allowed to go out without anyone with me and I was homeschooled too... maybe because appa thought it would protect me... and yes it did but what about them... didn't they die... they should have taken care of themselves... what about their protection... did they really think it would be enough to protect a ten year girl... and die protecting her... and push her back to reality...

ha see how unfilial daughter I am... still blaming on my parents who protected me... I just wanted to ask them, at last, what did they want... my reason to live was already dead... they were dead... their enemies killed them and made it look like an accident... do you know how I felt when I found out about this... do you know how I found out about this...

I said to him... I knew I was crying right now but I didn't bother to even wipe my tears... since they were concealed for a long time... now I needed to let go... but I will never accept that I NANDINI MURTH... NANDINI MANIK MALHOTRA WOULD BREAK DOWN... letting my emotions out doesn't mean I am weak... it means I will just become more strong... but mani please just don't leave me...

(Manik looked at her... she was a crying mess but he knew she was not weak... she was trying to overcome and become strong and he will definitely support her... but he still had to the whole truth... he knew their relationship would be on line with this... but right now he just wanted to listen to her...)

I looked at mani who held my hand tightly assuring that he would be there... I KNOW I WILL REGRET IT... BUT I CANNOT HIDE IT FROM HIM... I took another deep breath to continue...

nandu: you know mani... I was just 10 then and it was very hard for me to absorb that my amma, the loveliest women and my appa, the bravest man, I ever knew weren't there anymore... and when I try to hold my hand out all I saw was pity and sympathy from the people around me... it was very suffocating... I couldn't breath... then chacha and chachi came... they were the people who took me in... they were the people who TRIED TO HELP ME... chacha took over Murthy industries... he helped the company to be stable... but who knew there would be a backstabber in the company... don't know how he was even able to enter... that was just the start... the company's shares fell slowly... then HE CAME... mani do you know the name death fighter... I asked him who looked confused at first as the name felt familiar...

mani: no way ARNO BOTHA... (pronounced as AR-NOU means eagle... African name guys...😅😅😅😅) he said while nandu nodded...

(Manik pov... of course everyone knows how savage he is... in the underground world who doesn't... he is emotionless and kills everyone who gets in his way... but why... did nandu know his title... wait a minute... no... that cannot be... he thought and looked at her in wide eyes...)

nandu: yes... it's the same Arno... I didn't know who he was when he entered the room and introduced himself as my appa's friend... I didn't know what chacha talked to him... but since that day my life changed... I know what you are thinking... but mani let me ask you one thing before I tell you... do you know how it feels when someone hands you, a 10-year-old, a knife and asks you to defend yourself... do you know how it feels like to be thrown into a dark storeroom with just a small dagger ... I couldn't see anything but could hear everything he said clearly... he said my parents were brutally murdered... what kind of person says that to a kid... he asked me if I wanted to know who killed my parents... and that was the day HE ASKED ME TO KILL MYSELF... I said as I thought back to that day...


so here are the questions... for the part1...

how was nandu's pov... did you like it...

how was her past...

did you like nandu's character......

who do you think is this Arno.............

stay tuned to know more............................

by your one and only

