51. Is this your dream...

hey sweeties... I am going to update another chapter now... sorry...

( inner self: this time also you skipped your promised...

author: heyyy you shouldn't speak badly about me... you are also a part of me...

inner self: which I regret being...

author: What did you say!!!

inner self: I said shut up and give them their episode...)

ok guys back to the story... this is THE END dan dan dan...

ok ok enough of this... please do vote, comment and show your love by following me...

thank you guys... therefore, I present you, with the last chapter of my story...

have fun reading.........


recap to make it more interesting... well following the tradition to the end...

Manik just hoped the rest of their lives to be like this... a smile made its way on his lips as his eyes met with nandu's... living a lifetime with her is really worth it... she was the person who brought anger, sadness, jealousy, happiness to his life all at once... she was a miracle and he hoped to be the one to say she was his... in the next lifetimes too...


Abhi shook Manik to bring him out of his daze... Manik looked around to see everyone looking at him in question... he shook his head saying nothing and sat on the sofa beside belle's bed...

mukthi: abhiiiii!! she said as soon as Manik was out of her sight... abhi smiled and hugged her who returned the gesture... he kissed her forehead making her smile... nandu and belle looked at each other before coughing a little to break the love birds apart...

Abhi quickly moved away from mukthi vise versa... Manik was just looking at the culprit of stealing his muku from him with great hatred... as if feeling someone glaring at him Abhi turned to see Manik smiling at him... which by the way looked very very creepy to him... Abhi smiled at him and slowly sneaked towards nandu who raised her brow... Abhi shook his head in a no and gestured her to look at Manik... she turned her head to see Manik sitting with a very innocent face which made nandu smile... she shook her head at their childishness and went to sit beside Manik...

mukthi, belle and Abhi started talking... while nandu and Manik just looked at them from their seat...

nandu: so... this is it... ha... she said slightly leaning towards him while Manik wrapped his arms around her to make her comfortable...

Manik: no, of course not... we still have a long way to go...we have to get married... and officially meet my family... we have to go to our honeymoon and of course have lots and lots of children... don't you remember you were the one who asked me to produce a basketball team... he said making her chuckle...

nandu: accha... fine let's see... and mani... I was thinking... actually I was thinking of staying here for a month or so... I have to sort out with Arno... and the gang and all... I don't want them to disturb our life again... I want a peaceful life with you... I am tired of running around, killing people... I want to be a normal person too... she whispered as she played with his shirt button... Manik caressed her hair slowly as he listened to her... he whispered a hmm from time to time...

Manik: dreamy... is this it... is this your dream... he asked her... while she lowered her lashes... no one ever asked her opinion... no one would ever listen to her... no one would care for her dreams... she the person who never believed in god for the first time wanted to thank god for giving her just a gift... for giving her Manik... for giving her a second chance at life...

Manik: how can you do this dreamy... how can you ask me............ he paused slightly to see her a little shaken at his burst... you just have to order me, my wife,... after all I am only your husband... he said stretching his hands like in DDLJ pose... while nandu puffed her cheeks and hit his chest slightly Manik him laugh... (ayoooo sooo cute)

they heard series of cough... they looked up to see Abhi looking at them with a raised brow, mukthi with a knowing smile and belle giggling as she caught her parents off guard...

Manik: what... she is my wife... we are married... we can flirt... but you cannot... not with my sister... he said while nandu and mukthi looked at him with a 'are you serious look ' while Abhi burst out laughing as he saw the change of expression in manik's face... from mockery at him to sadness as they scolded him and finally to fear as both nandu and mukthi turned their heads at him...

that's when the door opened revealing aliya and Dhruv... Dhruv walked in and was quite shocked seeing Manik and nandu and an unknown girl sitting in the bed... his eyes shot up to manik's... but the latter only smiled as if saying I will tell you soon... he could only sigh and sit beside Abhi... aliya reluctantly walked in... she looked at Manik first before lowering her eyes and then looked at nandu and gave an apologetic smile and walked towards mukthi...

nandu smiled seeing her and stood up from her seat... she walked towards belle's bed and introduced aliya to belle...

nandu: baby... this aliya... your mamma's friend and father's best friend... she said surprising aliya and everyone present there... belle nodded at her mom and looked at aliya with a smile...

belle: hello... can I call you alu... she asked surprising everyone once again while aliya broke into a smile for the first time she came in here... 

she nodded her head in a yes... nandu frowned a little...

nandu: belle who said those words to you... she asked sitting near her and caressing her hair...

belle: mukti Chachi (in English accent) Mumma... she said as she smiled brightly... nandu rolled her eyes at mukthi while smiled at her daughter lovingly... 

nandu: good girl... she said conveniently ignoring mukthi who pouted seeing her... Abhi couldn't help but smile seeing this...

seeing everyone, especially nandu talking with his friends, Manik smiled...

mukthi stood up and sat beside Manik...

mukthi: itna has kyun raha hai... she said leaning back... Manik raised his brow at her before leaning back too...

Manik: kuch nahi... tu bata... kaisi hai tu... he said patting her head who pouted as she removed his hand...

mukthi: heyyy... me teek hu... bohot kuch ho gaya ha na tho process kar ne me toda time lage ga... but manik... tu happy hai na... she said nonchalantly as he held a smile... mukthi never (keyword: never) liked to express her emotions in words as likes to be a little tomboyish... but there are some incidents where she tries (key word: tries) to talk her emotion out... which dramatically ends up in awkward condition...

Manik: yup... very much so... and I want you to be happy too... now I am not going to say all those typical brother-sister words about punching the hell out of him but I have three rules... he concluded while mukthi perked up at this...

mukthi pov: finally ye hulk maan raha hai... otherwise I thought I had to smuggle Abhi into the mansion if he did not agree... with this thought she was happy...

Manik: so rule 1. he has to stay a minimum of 10 meters away from you, no touching...

rule 2. he can absolutely not stay in our mansion, worse not in your room at all...

rule 3. I shouldn't see him near you, you can see him when I am not around...

that's all... he said as he smiled being satisfied by his rules...

mukthi: that's all... THAT'S ALL!!! first he has to stay 10 meters away from... are you serious Manik... this is ridiculous... and he cannot stay in my room... then where will he stay... and he shouldn't be with me when you are with me... but you are practically 24/7 with me... arghhhhh... she internally screamed as agony washed up on her...

Manik: ok i was a little over... I will change the rules... he can stay within 1 meter and he can also stay in our mansion but not in your room... not until you get married cause i definitely don't want to be an uncle this early... and even if I allow him or not he will pop up with his annoying face... so I bet you don't need to worry about NOT seeing him... he said with a scoff... mukthi pouted but still complied to his rules...

they were disturbed by a knock... it was charlie...

charlie: well visiting hours are up... the patient needs some rest... and nannu Arno just called... you didn't pick up... he said as nandu walked past him nodding... Manik too moved out not before kissing belle's forehead...


he walked out to find aliya and mukthi standing together...

mukthi: manik... everything ok right... she asked gesturing him and aliya... he forced a smile and said yup what can be wrong... while aliya lowered her head and mukthi sighed... she didn't know what happened between them but this... this is not gonna work... things will be awkward between everyone if they behave like that... it was getting annoying... aliya walked towards manik...

aliya: manik... i am sorry... i really am... i hope you forgive me... i am not asking you to forget everything and talk to me... i just don't want things to get awkward between everyone... especially mukthi... i am sorry once again... she whispered when manik paused a little before nodding and walked out stiffly... aliya could only watch him go...

he paused a little and let his eyes roam around... there... he thought as he saw his favorite sight standing near the window...


phone convo...

Arno: hey little girl... he said cheerfully...

nandu: what's the matter... she asked directly without beating around the bush...

Arno: you blunt girl... don't you have any manners... he scolded her who rolled her eyes...

nandu: oye old man, it's your fault... you made me like this... she said while he just sighed...

Arno pov: now I cannot win an argument also... am I really becoming old... no no no... I am still young and dynamic... he thought nodding his head...

Arno: listen little girl... I already settled his case and don't worry about the king position... I already arranged a dummy... I am going to Hawaii... so do not disturb me... I will only come when you give me a kid to train... so bye... he said cutting the call...

nandu:.......... what the hell just happened... she thought as she looked at her phone blankly... she shook her head and put her phone back... she turned around and took a step before she hit someone... she was about to fall when that person wrapped his arms around her securely...

Manik: you knew I was behind you right... yet you choose to fall... he said as he watched her lips curve up in a sly smile...

nandu: well I knew you would catch me... so why not... she retorted playfully while he chuckled and kissed her forehead...

Manik: accha lets go... he said as he held her hand securely and walked towards the entrance... it was bright outside... for nandu, Manik appeared as her angel holding her hand and guiding her towards the light... yes, this was my dream... and now my reality... she thought as she looked at his silhouette... her eyes teared up slightly but she blinked it away... cause they are not needed anymore...

to be continued...


FINALLY... yayyyy... the story is now complete...

i will give the other characters story as extras and also there will be epilogue with three parts...

do guess whats going to happen...

and how was the whole story... are there any plot holes... do tell me your opinion...

thank you guys... for staying with me...

thank you for supporting me...

thank you for voting and commenting...

thank you for following me...

finally, thank you for all your love...


your one and only...

