4. happily married... not!!!

hey sweeties... please respond...

and here's my new chapter... i am posting this because i wont be posting from tomorrow as i am really depressed seeing the no.of views and comments........

sorry guys but you left me with no option....

have fun reading......................................


nandu: who... she said...

he then realized that she was out of the washroom... he looked here and there before answering her that she was just a friend...while nandu just smiled and nodded... soon manik also got changed... they both went out and walked near the parking... when nandini's phone rang...

manik: who.... he said looking at her... while she just sighed...

nandu: chachi... she said and took a deep breath before answering...

nandu: hello chachi.................................. listen......................... no.............. i... please just once listen to me.................. hello chachi................... hello................... she said and looked at her phone to see that her chachi had cut the call... while manik looked at her with a worried expression... she then looked at him with slight tears in her eyes...

nandini: i just got kicked out... what should i do... she said and looked down... but sighed a little shaking her head as if pushing out her negativity... he smiled a little seeing how strong she was...

manik: so what should we do... umm about marriage... he said standing near his car... she then looked at him and smirked ...

Nandu: oh marriage... aren't you too eager to marry me... she said while he narrowed his eyes at her...

Nandu: Fine, lets go register in the registration office... i just want it to be simple... she said trying to lighten the atmosphere and manik just rolled his eyes and said fine after you... then opened the passenger door for her...

manik: *i am really eager to marry you... seriously... if you didn't bring up marriage then we wouldn't be here... i am really mad at myself...

mind: offo manik how could you do this to aliya... don't we love her...

heart: oh no dude... we don't... didn't you see how she talks to us all these years... especially after that incident...

mind: noo... no manik we do love her...

heart: oh ya... manik listen to me and marry her don't regret after...

mind: no manik listen to me...

heart/mind: MANIK....

manik: shut up you both...*

nandu: oh hello... where are you lost... she said seeing him looking at her... then manik came out of his daze...

manik: oh me... i was thinking about our future babies... he said smirking... while she had a sly smile...

nandini: oh why not... try and produce a basket ball team won't you... she said and turned towards the front... while manik was looking at her dumbfounded...but then chuckled and went towards the drivers seat...

they both were trying to lighten the atmosphere around them... and looks like it worked... it wasnt the situation, where they both were shy around eachother that even looking at her was hard...

then moved towards murthy mansion just to see some luggage was thrown out side but no one was there... nandini sighed and went near them and picked them up... manik too helped her thinking how cruel her chachi was...only if he knew...😉

manik: where are your parents... i mean why are you staying with your chacha and chachi... he asked her as they were keeping her stuff in the car...

nandini: dead... in an accident..... when i was 10......... she said in broken sentences while manik just hugged her not knowing how to comfort her... while she smiled at him... they went and sat in the car after finishing...

manik: lets go.................. and get married... he said but muttered the last half groaning making nandini laugh... he too smiled seeing her finally laugh and started the car...


they first dropped at Malhotra mansion to get his certificates...

at marriage registration center...

they were welcomed by some welcome girls putting garlands on them... the girls were even checking out manik making him smirk while nandu glared him and put her arm around his bicep and dragged him away... seeing her like this he couldn't stop but chuckle... listening to his chuckle she glared him even more...

manik: oh common dreamy... its not my fault that i am hot.... he said with his signature smirk... while nandini just rolled her eyes... they went near the office and entered it to see a man sitting in the head chair... they went near him and gave the necessary documents required for the marriage...

during this whole time that man was trying hit on nandini... he even tried to touch her hand while giving her a pen... to which manik just put his arm around nandini's waist and just gave the man a tight lipped smile... seeing him jealous nandu just tapped hid arm gesturing him to bend which he did and whispered in his ear...

nandu:common mani... this is not my fault... cant help it i am born beautiful... she said and smiled at him to which he just rolled his eyes and signed the register followed by nandini... as soon as they signed they were congratulated by the staff members...

the head came and congratulated them too... saying they should stay like this happily married... while manik just nodded...

manik: *yeah happily married............ not!!!!* he thought but shook his head and brought nandini out... they then drove off to malhotra mansion...


at malhotra mansion...

upon entering the mansion he directly brought nandini to his room and the went near a wall which looked a little empty without anything... he then pressed the wall slowly it opened showing a secret room... he asked nandini to enter... they both went in... nandini gasped seeing a room like this... it even had a kitchen and a bathroom on its own... it also had separate stairs which lead to outside... it was almost like a mini house...

manik: dream... sorry nandini... he said making her frown...

manik: so nandini you are going to stay here ok... sorry about this but it wont take long... he said assuring her... while nandu just sighed and nodded then went to fresh up while manik too sighed...

manik: *sorry dreamy... but i have to deal with something first... * he thought and went out... when nandini came out she couldn't find manik anywhere... she sighed and............................


at drunken nights club...

the whole club was empty... there was not even an ounce of sound except for someones ragged breaths... if we look closely we can see a person kneeling down and was heavily bleeding while there was another person sitting on the chair with a glass in his hand...

person: if you wont say the name of the person who payed you to drug me... i will definitely kill you with my own hands... he said dangerously...while the other person still didn't utter anything... seeing this his anger increased by three fold and threw the glass in his hands on to the floor breaking it into million parts... seeing this the person kneeling down shivered in fear...

person: sir... please leave me... its harshad sir... please MANIK SIR... he said practically begging... the person sitting on the chair who is obviously manik smirked... and walked away...


at aliya's place....

harshad and his gang were partying...they were the only ones in the mansion as aliya went to cabir's home... manik came straight near harshad who didn't even have time to react... he went and punched harshad who was staring at him shockingly...

even though harshad irritated manik... manik never hit him and this was the first time... here manik was hitting the hell out of him until he was bleeding... manik stopped hitting him and gave harshad one last punch and turned to leave...

manik: harshad this is the last time i am warning you... stay away from me.... he said and went away... while harshad was still staring the door where manik left...


at malhotra's mansion...

it was already night when manik arrived... he went up and opened the secret door to see that nandini was sleeping... he went near her and looked at her like that for a little while...

then turned to go when he felt some one hold his hand... he looked down to see nandu holding his hand with wide open eyes indicating that she was not sleeping...

he sighed gently and sat on the bed... he was really depressed with what was happening... first aliya and then harshad now he even has to look out for nandini... while seeing him like this nandini pulled him on the bed and took his shirt to which he widened his eyes...

while she just shrugged and wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled with him... he slowly sighed and wrapped his arms around her and welcomed his sleep...


at morning....

manik woke up to see nandini still sleeping hugging him tightly... he smiled at her... but it soon turned into a frown as he heard someone calling his name... hearing this commotion nandu too woke up with a frown... listening to the voice of the speaker manik muttered...

manik: aliya............................................................................................................................................


cliff hanger guys...

please respond guys... i need to know if you like the story or not.... please...

have fun reading...............................................

by yours

