43. if I can give it to you then I can get it back too...

hey sweeties... I am very disappointed with your response... please respond guys...

REALLY SORRY FOR THE LONG BREAK I TOOK... kya kare fight scene tha and kuch samaj me nahi aaya but now I am ok and back...

I don't know whether you are liking the story or not...

well... I won't take much of your time... please vote, comment and follow guys...

but thank you for supporting me guys...hope you like it...

have fun reading....................................


nandu arrived at some building near the centre of the city...

nandu just sighed seeing this... he never changed... she thought as she stepped in only to see a person standing at the door waiting for her...

person: mam... sir is waiting for you at the 43rd floor... he said bowing to her in respect... she nodded and went with him... her bodyguard who was carrying Rahul was also following them...


meanwhile the lobby assistants thoughts...

assistant1: who was that... she is going to the 43rd floor... even the boss personally sent his most trusted aid to pick her up... he asked while mopping the floor...

assistant2: well they said that he had some important guests arriving... but I never thought it was a girl... he said nodding at the person next to him while wiping the desk...

assistant1: but I couldn't see her face... only her eyes and did you see her mask... shit man he saw us... he said widening his eyes when their head caught them talking... (nandu's mask guys...)

head: you guys have a lot of free time don't you... he said walking near... while they both nodded in a no and slowly slipped away from there...

head: I hope there won't be any trouble tonight... he thought looking at nandu's retreating figure...


ding* the elevator opened... she and the person beside her along with her bodyguard stepped out... nandu looked around once before following the person beside her... the door in front of her opened revealing HIM sitting in the middle eating an apple... (imagine Ricky sitting in the middle of the red sofa guys and imagine the place to be more spacious please...)

Ricky: well, well, well... look who's here... my sweet darling nannu... he said munching one last bite on the apple before throwing...

nandu: look... I am not here to play your little games... why are you after my mani... she said emotionless... while Ricky showed an ' i am hurt' expression...

Ricky: darling we just met after so long and the only thing that comes from your mouth is HIS name... hehe... he said laughing while nandu stood there emotionless...

nandu pov: I seriously regret saving this kid... how dare he tries to kill my mani... looks like he is looking for his death... which I will gladly give to him... she thought as she tightened her fist...

Ricky: my darling nannu... you look as if you are ready to kill me... I like it... hehe... he said laughing while nandu's patience was declining...

Ricky: but nannu... you should know that I am not the same Ricky who used to wait for you... I clearly know how to get what belongs to me back... he said as he laughed... soon enough nandu and her bodyguard along with Rahul were surrounded by his men...

nandu: humph... she snickered...

nandu: did he really think this was enough to take me down... but this is gonna be a long day... she thought as she swept her gaze around... nandu took a deep breath before she took her revolver out to play...

Ricky: it isn't fun if I just conquer you... let's play a game nannu... you know I like games right... he said while nandu choose to be silent... Ricky continued...

Ricky: so rules are you can hide anywhere... and shoot from anywhere... you can go out too... my men will also shoot you and if they manage to land a hit on you... then you are coming with me... no arguments... he said while nandu just nodded...

Ricky: common guys make way for my darling... it's all yours... he said bowing to her in a dramatic way while his men made way to nandu... she looked at Ricky and glared him hard before turning to her bodyguard... she put her revolver back into her pocket...

nandu: remember it well Ricky... if I can give it to you then I can get it back too... she said not even turning back and this made Ricky chuckle excitedly... no one understood what she said except him...

Ricky: this is why I love you soo much... my darling... he said laughing darkly that the people beside him felt fear... 

Ricky: after her... he said as people started running after nandu.... nandu swiftly ran out along with her bodyguard leaving Rahul there only... after everyone left to find nandu only Rahul and Ricky were there...

rahul: my king... although Manik isn't dead yet... you still got what you wanted right... can you free me... he said while smiling confidently while Ricky watched him with a bored expression...

Ricky: you know what... I am done with you... he said with a snort and took his gun out...



meanwhile near nandu...

nandu ran out to the hallway when the people chasing her came near her... sensing a hand above her neck nandu swiftly turned her body and held the person's hand and threw him out of the window... ( and my dear readers that was from 43rd floor...)

seeing this the person near her held her hand and twisted it from the back and another person was ready to hit her... she let out a growl as she kicked the person in the front and back flipped gaining momentum from the kick twisting the person who caught her hand...


person: ahhhhhhhhh.... the shout resonated through the walls... she stabbed the person's neck with her dagger as blood erupted from him... the sound was silenced... only breathing of people was heard...

nandu looked at the faces of the people... fear was written on them clearly... she smirked against her mask as she threw her dagger at the person's neck who tried to hit her...

weak point- neck... check... she thought as she moved forward... they took their guns and pointed it at her... 

0.6 seconds... that's the time I have before the bullet reaches me... she thought...

BAM*** nandu ran towards the nearest wall and kicked it as she did a back flip using the momentum...

damn... she thought as she ran towards the nearest person and used him as a shield...

she finally took her revolver out...

BAM* BAM* BAM* she aimed at the head, knees, and heart of the people standing in front of her...

3 more bullets girl... and you are out of ammo... she thought and looked at the crowd of people standing in front of her... she then noticed the gun in the back pockets of the person lying near her...

lucky me... she thought as she shot the people in front of her again with her remaining bullets... she ran towards the person lying on the floor and took the gun in a swift manner then shot the people in front of her again...

9 down 10 more to go... wait a minute there should be 20 people in the room... she thought as she looked around... she raised her gun to shoot again...

ouch... damn... she thought as she put her hand at the back of her neck... there was a small red dart like thing... she looked back to see the same bodyguard...

traitor... she thought as her vision became blurry... she bit her cheek hard to stay awake... she even tasted blood... she hit the person hard who held her arm... she managed to be free and shot the person... then shot the bodyguard and the next person coming near her on their foreheads... her gun was out of ammo... the next thing she knew was getting punched by someone...


the people lifted her and made their way back to the room...

Ricky: ah there she is... my darling... oh looks like she managed to wipe out 12 of my men... well i didn't expect anything less... get the helicopters ready... we are moving right now... he said smirking as he took nandu into his arm... ( NO NO NO!!!! my manik's nandu)


so how was it, sweeties... sorry for the short update...

a little badass ha... accha fine more violent right...

so how was the fight...

and how was the picture of nandu's mask...

and how was Ricky's plan...

what will happen to nandu now...

where do you think is manik...

stay tuned to know more.......................

yours one and only

