47. second chance...

hey sweeties... so missed me...

how was your day... mine was mast...

now back to topic... please do vote and comment guys... it will really encourage me...

please ignore the mistakes... not proof read...

thank you for supporting... hope you like it...

have fun reading.........................


recap to make it more exciting...

Nandu: Abhi how is Mani's injury... she asked in the middle...

Abhi: it wasn't very serious... he just needs to take some rest... it is his luck that it didn't hit any of the arteries... he said while bandaging nandu's hand... listening to this her surrounding aura became very gloomy...

their journey came to an end as they reached the airport...


Arya was the first one to get out... followed by Abhi, Mike and Manik... nandu was about to get down too when Manik extended his hand towards her... nandu first blankly looked at manik's hand then put her small hand in his hesitatingly... feeling her hand Manik was satisfied and helped her get down... meanwhile Abhi and Arya were just watching them as if they were watching a romantic movie...

Arya: chivalry isn't dead... he commented while Abhi looked at him in disbelief...

Abhi: tu kaun hai... mera Arya kaha hai... he said in shock... while Arya rolled his eyes at the drama...

Arya: common Abhi... he said running his fingers through his hair...

Abhi: where... dude I am straight and you have a bhabhi... that's the proof... he said while Aryaman looked as if he was ready to pull his hair...

Arya: you... I hate you!!! he said while Abhi made a weird face...

Abhi: when did I say I loved you... eww... he said while Arya joined his hands and pleaded him...

Arya: chood de yaar... bacha hoon... he said while Abhi stifled a laugh at Aryaman's defeated face... mike just took his earphones and played some music... since it was way better than their bricking... he saw that Manik and Nandu were leaving silently without noticing that the others were not following... he suddenly had a mischievous idea and he grinned slightly as he sneaked out...

they aka Arya and Abhi then realized they had company... they looked around to see Manik and Nandu inside the airport near the counter checking their luggage with mike waving at them as if saying byeeee... they muttered shit and went towards them fastly...


aur ye gira Arya!!!!

Aryaman cursed his fate as he glared at the girl in front of him who in return death glared him... he stood up and extended his hand to her which she took anyway...

Arya: dek ke chalna... he said while the girl narrowed her eyes...

girl: excuse me... you were the one running around like a kid... tumhe dek ke chalna chahiye... she said while Aryaman looked at her in amusement...

arya: accha tho jo mujhe lecture de rahi hai... kya me uss ka naam jan saktha hoon... he said while the girl chuckled...

girl: oh i am... like i will tell you... flirt... she remarked back at him as she walked towards the entrance... he looked at her retreating figure in shock... abhi too who was shocked came and stood beside him...

abhi: did that girl just reject THE Aryaman's advance... i like her already... he said with a pinch of smile... while arya looked at him with disdain...

arya: me muku ko bataoon... he said threatening him while abhi let out a worry smile and quickly escaped...

arya: interesting... but nah... not my type... he thought and turned towards the other side and started going near manan...


manan, abhi, arya along with mike went near navya who was waiting for them...

nandu: navu... she said and hugged her who hugged her back tightly... both the girls had a gloomy aura around each other... one was blaming herself while other was blaming her fate... and as usual nandu noticed something was wrong with navya as she sensed her shiver slightly... navya was wearing sunglasses so nandu couldn't see her puffy red eyes... she was interrupted by the announcement of their flight...

nandu held navya's hand as she saw manik was walking towards her... she immediately dragged navya with her and went towards the plane... seeing nandu abandon him like that manik sighed... meanwhile abhi and arya looked at each other and smiled mischievously... they both hung their hands on his shoulder and smirked at him...

arya: awee poor boss got abandoned... he said while abhi made tch tch tch sound from the other side... manik who was irritated of their chatter shook their hands off and went near mike...

manik: how do you keep up with them... he asked seriously... while mike laughed slightly...

mike: like this... he said and put his ear phones back...

manik: i think i need to buy a new set of earphones... he thought as he too went towards the plane...


inside the plane... manik entered to see nandu and navya seating next to each other in a seat... arya and mike sat next to each other... while the only seat left was beside abhi...

manik unwillingly went and sat beside abhi who gave him a wide smile... he too gave him a stiff smile before turning towards nandu... meanwhile nandu was already looking at him so they had a small eye lock in which manik pleaded her to sit next to him when nandu immediately broke the eye lock... manik, after trying to make nandu look at him a few times, finally sighed in defeat...

abhi: wo nahi manegi... she is damn stubborn... he said while manik just sighed again because he knew it well...

abhi: like you i think... muku always talks about you and cabir... he said that's when manik remembered about abhi being his muku's BOYFRIEND...

manik: oh muku... accha aur batoa... meri pyari behen ke boyfriend... he said smiling like a devil... while abhi shivered slightly and cursed himself for bring that topic up...


meanwhile near navni...

nandu averted her eyes breaking the eye lock and looked outside... she put her seat belt as they were about to take off... after some time they all were requested to take their seat belts off... listening to this arya was the first one to get up... he went towards the bedroom and directly fell on the bed... nandu was in a deep thought and didn't take her seat belt yet so navya shook her a little...

navya: nandu seat belt... she said...

nandu: oh... yeah... she said and took her seat belt and turned towards navya... she frowned seeing that she was still wearing her sunglasses...

nandu: navya whats wrong with you... why are you wearing sunglasses inside a plane... she asked in a ' have you finally lost it ' tone... while navya shook her head in a no...

navya: arre this is the latest fashion you know... she said while nandu looked at her in disbelief...

nandu: what bullshit are you talking... she said as she tried to remove the glasses... navya dodged her...

navya: wait nandu i will take it off... she said while nandu finally sat still... navya took off her sun glasses but hung her head low... nandu got irritated and lifted her head holding her chin...

nandu: WHAT THE HELL!!! she shouted slightly seeing the puffy red eyes of navya... her anger kept increasing because navya was not speaking a word...

nandu: what happened... she asked her in a low tone... while navya suppressed her hiccups but tears were flowing from her eyes... ( imagine navya crying guys... and an angry nandu too...)

nandu: cant you get it... i am asking you something... answer me DAMN IT... she shouted getting enough of navya's silence... navya shivered slightly... seeing this nandu's eyes softened...

nandu: navu i am sorry... i dint mean to shout... but please... tell me what happened... she asked again but this time she was gentle... navya just hugged nandu tightly and cried her heart out...

navya: nandu wo kaise kar saktha hai... he kicked me out of his house... he didn't even listen to my explanation... you disappeared right... that time he questioned me about scheming with you against Manik... do I seriously look like that... how can he without even thinking twice question about my character... I know he did it for his friend but what about me... was I nothing to him... she said as she cried harder... listening to this the temperature beside nandu dropped to the lowest degree... meanwhile Manik frowned at this... he needed to talk with cabir... looks like he lost his screws... abhi was angry at cabir because he made navya cry who was equal to a sister for him and mike was confused but whoever this cabir was he is going to have a hard time...

nandu hugged navya tightly while caressing her hair gently until she finally fell asleep after 3 long days... these three days she had nightmares about cabir... and that incident... it was hard for her to sleep...

abhi lifted her and took her to the bedroom which was occupied by arya... he kicked him out and put navya to bed... nandu tucked a blanket around navya... finally everyone except the sleeping navya came out of the room...

nandu looked at manik seriously...

nandu: mani i am going to teach cabir a lesson... you should not stop me... she said while abhi, mike and arya trio nodded their heads...

manik: i am also with you... I won't interfere... he said while nandu nodded her head and went back to her seat... she silently looked out of the window... after some time she dozed off due to tiredness... seeing her sleeping manik wrapped a blanket around her and sat beside her... nandu sensing a familiar warmth hugged him unconsciously as she slept...


nandu woke up after sometime... the scene that greeted her first was a broad chest... she unconsciously raised her head to see manik looking at her with a small smile... she jumped a little in surprise as she immediately distanced herself from him...

nandu: will he think i am disgusting... she thought as she went back to her gloomy mood... ( insecurities lead to misunderstandings... even though manik didn't feel anything like what nandu's thinking but there was still a doubt in her heart which can only be erased by manik himself... sometimes even we become somewhat insecure...)

manik sighed heavily... he needed to talk to her now or else her small brain which works with a lightning fast speed will surely destroy everything... mainly herself... but will nandu give him a chance... nah she immediately escaped towards navya's room...

as soon as she entered she saw a sleeping navya... she went and sat beside her... she sighed a little seeing navya... she slowly gazed around the room casually when her gaze fell on the mobile kept n the table... she took it and switched it on...

the screen revealed cabir's and navya's photo...

nandu: they looked so happy... she thought as she looked at the picture for some time... her face was expressionless but her eyes were a little soft and gentle... that's when navya woke up...

she immediately snatched her phone to see it still locked... she looked at nandu with confused expression...

navya: why didn't you open it... you know my password right... she asked while nandu ruffled her hair...

nandu: idiot i wouldn't do something that would make you angry... she said as she too laid down beside navya...

nandu: do you still love him... she asked while navya remained silent...

nandu: navu... you have to answer... she said while navya side hugged her...

navya: yes... i do... but i still don't understand why i still love him after all that... i really hate myself for this... how can i still love him... she said in anger... while nandu patted her head...

nandu: what will you do if i ask you to give him another chance... she said navya suddenly left nandu... she was shocked...

navya: what!! she said while nandu didn't say anything further...

nandu: just think about it navu... she said as she stood up and went away from the room leaving navya in a deep thought...


after the plane landed everyone took their luggage and checked if anything missed... navya was dragging her suitcase when arya offered to carry it... she smiled and gave it to him and searched for nandu... she needed some answers...

meanwhile near nandu... as soon as she came out of the plane nandu took manik's phone and dialed cabir's number... she even asked sorry ordered manik to bring her luggage too as she forgot that she was avoiding him... well right now she was focused on navya so she couldn't see anything... nandu knew why cabir did that... but that was not the only way to get things right... he used the most stupid and senseless way to ask navya about her... she will call him and ask him directly if he really loves navya or not...

phone convo...

cabir: hellooooo... man- hiccup- ik... he said as soon as he answered the phone...

nandu: nahi teri bhabhi... she said while it took a little while for cabir to understand it was nandu...

cabir: ohhh bha------bhi... pranam... he said while nandu frowned at this...

nandu: are you drunk... she said while cabir on the other hand started to sing some songs...

nandu: CABIR!!! she shouted a little loud...

cabir: yes mam... oops yes bhabhi... he said while nandu rolled her eyes...

nandu: listen to me... go to the fridge and take a water bottle... she said while cabir said yes bhabhi and did the same...

cabir: yup i went to the fridge and took a water bottle... commander bhabhi... he said as he saluted on the other side...

nandu: now pour it on your head... she said while cabir who was drunk did the same only to shout...

cabir: BHABHI... he said as he finally came to his senses...

nandu: yes your bhabhi... now listen to me carefully Mr. cabir dhawan... if you really love navya and if you want her back... i suggest you to pack your bags and take the next flight to new york... she said and cut the call...

on the other side of the phone...

cabir: hello... hello bhabhi... he said but then realized that she cut the call... he took a deep breath and went upstairs...

cabir: common cabir... time to mend your mistakes... he thought as he packed his bags...


meanwhile back to nandu... as she cut the call nandu turned just to see navya standing in front of her like a ghost...

nandu: na---navu... she said but navya raised her hand indicating her to stop...

navya: why are you doing this... WHY!! she shouted a little... nandu held her hands...

nandu: because of you... she said as she dragged navya away from there... they reached the parking lot to see manik and the others waiting for them... navya was silent the whole time... nandu too was quite disturbed... they sat inside the car... nandu and navya took the last seats... the others were engaged in some other convo when nandu spoke to navya...

nandu: look navu... if you don't want this i understand... but please talk to me... i know you still love him... you don't need to accept him right away we will definitely make him pay... but at least give him another chance... i want you to smile like that again... she said indicating the home screen picture...

navya: if i smile like that again then will you grant me a holiday trip... she asked in a serious tone... nandu too was about to respond in a yes when she re-winded the content in her mind once again...

nandu: navya... she said with a little anger... while navya finally broke into fits of laughter...

navya: what... you always make me work even on holidays... she said in a ' i am very pitiful ' tone while nandu shook her head...

the car was finally filled with navya's laughter and nandu's occasional smiles... seeing them like this finally the four men sighed in relief... manik looked at nandu from the rear mirror when nandu too glanced at it sensing someone was looking at her... they had a cute eye lock which was obviously broken by nandu... manik still continued to look at her...


soon they reached the hospital...

nandu asked manik to follow her while abhi and arya went to examine the liquid in the bottle... navya and mike who were left behind took the all their luggage and went towards nandu's mansion in new york...

nandu went towards the elevator along with manik... she pushed the top floor button and leaned against the wall...  meanwhile manik too leaned against the opposite wall looking at nandu...

manik: for how long are you planning to run from me dreamy... he asked while nandu panicked a little...

nandu: what if he says he hates me... because of who i am... what if he hates me because i hid something from him... she thought as her surrounding became even gloomy...


the elevator door opened... as soon as it did nandu escaped from there... she went straight towards the room where belle was admitted... she opened the door to see belle sitting and reading something in the mobile... belle looked at the door to find nandu standing there... she smiled widely at first but then frowned at her...

belle: you are late nandu... i said i wanted to see you first when i wake up... all i got to see was charlie... she said pouting while nandu smiled at her softly...

nandu: i am late because i bought you something... she said while belle widened her eyes in excitement...

belle: oh really... what is it... what is it... show it.. common... she said while nandu chuckled at how excited she was...

nandu: you can come in now... she said as the door opened revealing manik in his all time famous smirk...

belle: OH MY GOD... manik malhotra... she exclaimed as her eyes twinkled with sparkles...

manik: yes... and i assume you are that someone who introduced me... he said while belle nodded her head happily...

manik: and... he said...

belle: and??? belle said as she tilted her face in confusion... seeing this manik chuckled... he went near her and ruffled her hair...

manik: and my daughter... he said as belle bulged her eyes... she blinked her eyes a little... it took her a little while before she understood...

belle: ahhhhhhhh manik malhotra is my dad now... my dad is very handsome now... she shouted in excitement...

nandu: belle stop shouting its not good for you to shout now... you can shout as much as you want later... she said in an angry tone but belle knew it was fake...

belle: okkkk... thank you mummy for fulfilling my wish... i love you... she said shocking nandu... nandu broke into a bright smile... she called her mummy... she thought happily... while manik pouted...

manik: only love for mummy... no love for daddy... he said...

belle: i love you too daddy... she said as she smiled happily... her family was now complete...


so guys how was it... did you guys like the chapter...

i had to cut the chapter because it already exceeded 3400+ words... so please vote and comment guys...

how was navni's bond...

should navya give cabir a chance... will cabir try to makeup with navya...

will manan be able to clear their misunderstandings...

how was manan and belle's bond...

and finally what do you think will happen next...

stay tuned to know more.......................

by your one and only

