40. and that's how i know you...

Hey sweeties.... I am back... missed me... hehe I guess you missed my story more than me...

Sorry guys... but this update is also going to be short...

Ignore the mistakes please... not proof read...

Please do comment and vote... inline comments are really appreciated...

Hope you like this one too...

Have fun reading.............................


Recap to make it more exciting...

nandu: nothing belle... can you tell me who the singer is... she asked belle who climbed down the bed with the help of the nurse...

belle: oh its MANIK MALHOTRA................................................


Nandu: manik... manik malhotra... she muttered with a slight and not so noticeable smile... meanwhile belle pouted not getting the much needed attention when she saw nandu in a daze...

Belle: nanduuu... she said tugging her sleeve and that's when nandu took notice of the small adorable girl with a cute pout... she looked at belle and gently patted her head... belle eyes sparkled as she looked at nandu affectionately... the nurse awkwardly coughed breaking their moments...

Nurse: belle your parents are waiting for you... you need to go... she said softly while belle pouted sadly not wanting to leave her new friend...

Nurse: you can come and see your new friend after you get your medication... she said while belle's eyes widened in happiness... she immediately agreed and stretched her hand towards the nurse who took her hand and started walking towards the door... belle suddenly turned and went near the bed again... she looked at nandu with blinking eyes....

Belle: you will wait for me na nandu... you will stay here until I come back right... she asked anxiously... afraid that her only friend will disappear like the others...

Nandu looked at her blankly registering her words... she then nodded softly caressing the little girls hair... the girl smiled brightly and then searched for something in her small purse... she pulled her I pod and gave it to nandu saying to keep it till she comes back and went towards the nurse happily... Arno who was just about to enter saw a girl and a nurse coming out of nandu's room and frowned... he was about to ask nandu about it when what he saw made him speechless... literally speechless... Nandu was smiling softly looking at the girl and then looked down into her hands to see the I pod... she put the head phones and played one of the songs... listening to them the subtle smile on her face grew... Arno looked as if he was about to faint... he slowly came near her and waved his hand for her to see... seeing the old man nandu returned to her emotionlessness... Arno was a little disappointed... her smile was beautiful but he knew, better than anyone, who was responsible for her to become like this...

Arno: what were you smiling at... he asked trying his luck to get some answers... while nandu just rolled her eyes but said nothing... she was about to resume listening to the songs when she remembered something...

Nandu: old man... I want you to find out about MANIK MALHOTRA... EVERY SINGLE THING... she said as she looked at the I pod... meanwhile Arno received a heart attack...

Arno: my dear disciple, did the water get in your head... I think it's best if I call the doctor... he said nervously while nandu raised her brow...

Nandu: old man... you can't even do this for your ONLY disciple... she said emphasising the word only... Arno looked at her in disbelief... this little girl was now scheming against him shamelessly that too with a straight face... he started to pity himself but nevertheless nodded at her who looked pretty happy at her gain... she then resumed to listen to the songs...

End of flashback...


Nandu: AND THATS HOW I KNOW YOU... she said taking a deep breath completing the story... manik was blank...

Manik: so you knew me... you knew me from the start... before we met... he asked her... while she just nodded trying to observe his eyes... she felt something was about to go wrong...

Manik: That means YOU KNEW IT WAS ME THAT NIGHT... he said slowly but clearly... Nandu looked at him surprised...

Nandu: mani... she was about to speak when she got cut off...

Manik: YOU KNEW IT WAS ME AT THE BAR THAT NIGHT... that means you knew I was drugged... he said clenching his fist... Nandu widened her eyes realizing where he was going...

Nandu: mani listen to... she was about to speak when he again interrupted her...

Manik: you lied to me... YOU LIED TO ME THE WHOLE TIME... he said all this while looking down... meanwhile nandu was getting anger...

Nandu: listen to me mani... yes I knew you before... and yes I knew you were drugged that night but WE MET COINCIDENTALLY...  she said while manik looked AT her eyes...

Manik: oh really... he said with a snort... Nandu took a deep breath to calm down... because this was a misunderstanding and being angry will only make it worst...

Nandu: YES... that day navya was the one who bought me to the club and mind you I never told anything about you to navya... NO MATTER HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT... she said firmly as she was confident in her answer... seeing her confidence manik's doubt shook a bit... he knew harshad was the one to put the drug... he didn't know why he was blaming nandu... he was about to go out when nandu tightened her hold around him...

Manik: look nandini... I am not that sane right now... I need a few minutes to take the info in... he said while nandu sighed softly before removing her hold around him...

Nandu looked at maniks back as he disappeared into the garden... she sat on the chair silently looking at him... she then let her gaze wander until it fell on Rahul who was sleeping... her expressionless face excluded the aura of the devil itself...

Nandu: this time I am not gonna let you off the hook Ri... Mark my words... she muttered with a slight murderous glint in her eyes...


So guys... how was it...

Please respond guys........

So here are the questions....

Will manik forgive nandu... Will they be able to clear the misunderstanding...

who do you think Ri is... ( well I know many of you already figured it...)

how do you think nandu will punish them...

Nandu still didn't say the actual reason of her disappearance... so try and guess it...

Stay tuned to know more...

stay tuned to know more..........................

by yours one and only

