46. the end??? i guess...

Hey sweeties...

sorry for the delay... I was actually stuck in the middle...

As the title says... its the end for chapter Ricky... so let's see what happens...

please respond guys... this chapter took exactly 3003 words... so please respond guys...

Please do vote, comment and follow guys...Hope you like it...

Have fun reading............


Recap to make it more exciting...

Arya came near nandu who nodded her head they both along with some bodyguards went near a room...

Nandu opened the door just to see Manik pointing his gun a wounded Ricky while bodies of people were lying around...

Manik then looked up to Nandu and gave a little sigh of relief... *she was alright...* he thought...


A few minutes earlier...

Ricky's men surrounded Manik while Manik just smirked at him...

It all happened in a matter of seconds...

Manik elbowed the person coming towards him from the back and held his hand and threw him at the glass table in front of him... the glass pieces flew making everyone step back... taking the opportunity Manik took his guns and shot at the people in front of him...

His shots were very accurate almost on par with nandu... seeing this Ricky was flabbergasted... he didn't expect Manik to be this good...

One of Ricky's men held Manik from back making him halt his moment... Manik smirked... his one hand was near manik's neck while the other near his torso...

Manik pov... they think this will stop me... he thought as he held the person's arm which was near his neck and threw him at the people coming in front of him... he then shot them right at their heads...

Seeing his men losing Ricky was about to call more people when he felt something cold on his forehead...

He looked around to see all his men down... and Manik standing next to him with a gun in his hands...

manik looked at ricky with a smirk... seeing him smirk boiled ricky's blood...

manik: this is for kidnapping my wife... he said and punched his face hard...

ricky held maniks fist when he was about to punch him again... ricky elbowed manik's stomach making stumble back a little...

seeing this ricky smirked... but soon his smirk was wiped off by manik's punch...

manik: this is for what you did to my wife... he said remembering him drugging her...

manik punched him hard contuniously making ricky bleed... due to manik's strength he was able to hit ricky hard... even though ricky knew how to fight he didnt get the chance to fight back... manik held ricky and pointed his gun towards him...

That's when the door opened with a *clank revealing nandu...


Flashback... (from chapter 42...)

Manik held her hand and made her sit on his lap... he breathed her scent as he snuggled in her neck while nandu giggled seeing him so possessive... she remembered what she had to tell him and became serious... Manik looked at her to see her all tense all of a sudden...

Manik: kya huva dreamy... he said tightening his hold that's when nandu came out of her daze...

Nandu: mani... listen to this very carefully... I am going near Ricky... (Manik was about to say something when nandu interrupted again...) let me finish it first... Mani its not about destroying Ricky... if it was just that I would have done it long ago... but right now it is about destroying the current mafia king... this will bring a lot of problems and upsurge in the underworld...

last time when I was there I had to fake a fight with Ricky... and so right now everyone believes that Ricky is the most powerful person... so if we kill him right now there will be doubts... but we can do one thing... Ricky has a suitcase in which he keeps his insignia ( which is actually an emblem of military rank but here I am using this word in a slightly different way as mafia world ranks...) with that we can access the mafia world account and erase his existence...

( some explanation here...

so, guys, this mafia world account is where all the people's moves are kept in check so that anyone doesn't betray the king... which means the king can monitor anyone's moves from his account... and he also can change their ranks or even erase their existence... he can also impose any kinds of orders... which also means if anyone has the king's insignia he can access the account and change the whole flow of the world... it was like a law... that's why even nandu used to be careful with her insignia when she was the king... but when she passed it to Ricky she didn't think that he would change the world for worst...

slave trades, organ sellers, etc... anything that makes him richer was applied... this started when nandu was away from Ricky means when she was with Manik... only one person knew what was going on but he was very helpless...)

for that, I need your help mani... I want you to call someone here... he would be able to hold Ricky off until I complete my job... mani you can track me through GPS... I instilled it in my watch... don't worry... I will be safe... and ha call Abhi and Arya also... I know they are in your group...

Manik: how do you know... he said while nandu chuckled lightly...

Nandu: they were with me since I became the king... when they received the news that I was stepping down they disappeared... when I was in the hospital they came to visit me... that was the last time I saw them face to face... the other time we used to be in touch with each other through phone... that time I told them about you... so I knew they would come to you... actually I heard recently that mukthi and Abhi are in a relation... she said in amusement... while Manik widened his eyes at this...

Manik: WHAT!!!! muku has a boyfriend... no way... he shouted while nandu pouted...

Nandu: mani... Abhi is a good kid... don't make it hard for them... she said while Manik nodded but obviously that is not going to happen... he first needed to tell cabir about this... that their muku got a god-damn boyfriend...

nandu shook her head in disbelief and snuggled into him by keeping her head on his shoulder... Manik hugged her tightly...

Manik: be safe dreamy... come back to me... you will, won't you... he asked while caressing her hair gently... while nandu nodded and kissed his neck which made Manik freeze... seeing this nandu laughed lightly while Manik just stared at her with all his LOVE... nandu too knew that he is starting to love her... but she was still waiting for him to say the three magically words... but the thing she didn't know was he was already in love with her way back... that's when they heard a noise from below...


nandu came inside to see Manik holding a gun and Ricky in his seat... and the first thing she did was to glare at Manik who was taken aback... she came near him and stood in front of him while Arya went near Ricky to tie him up...

Nandu: MANIK MALHOTRA... what do you think you are doing... didn't I say you didn't have to come... she scolded him while he looked at her in amusement first and smiled at her concern... but he knew he was in trouble since this was the first time his dreamy called him with his name...

Manik: I am sorry dreamy... but I didn't want to leave you alone... he said while nandu just sighed and nodded... she turned towards wounded Ricky and looked down at him...

Nandu: so RI... the end I guess... there is nothing you can do now... she said which an emotionless face but the mask almost covered her face except for her eyes... Ricky looked at her eyes... they were dead cold...

Ricky: no matter what nannu darling... you always prove me that you are special... so special that you make me want you crazily... he said with a crazy smile on his almost disfigured face... while nandu was about to punch him when a voice interrupted her...

voice: little girl... I will take care of him... don't make your hands dirty... he said while coming towards them... nandu stepped back seeing him... she knew Arno always hated Ricky... although she didn't know the exact reason she was aware that since the time she bought Ricky Arno hated him... the lazy old man that would never go back to his hometown actually went back when she came to India...

Ricky: yo old man... aren't you too old for this... he said sneering while Arno raised his brow and gestured his men to tie Ricky...

Arno: well I will show you how old I am... don't worry... he said while he nodded at Nandu who nodded back and went towards Manik...

Ricky: you need me nannu... I know you need me... you do... he said with a crazed smile... while nandu looked back at him...

Nandu: if you are talking about your insignia... then I have it... she said while Ricky's face twisted in disdain... he forgot his suitcase in the room... but he knew no one can touch it...

Ricky: Nandini!!! he shouted while arno's men held him back... she just ignored him again and turned towards Manik...

Manik: so that's all... come let's go... we have a flight to catch... I wouldn't want to keep my daughter waiting... he said while nandu smiled behind her mask... that's when manik's eyes saw something...

Manik: dreamy... what happened... he said touching her shoulder lightly... while that's when nandu saw a small cut on her shoulder...

* it must have been the bullet... * she thought as she looked at manik's tense face... she was about to speak when Aryaman interrupted them...

Arya: nandu Abhi is calling you... there is something he wants to show you... he said while nandu nodded and they walked towards the exit when...


Nandu: MANIK!!!... she shouted as she saw Manik hold his shoulder where the bullet hit... nandu was immediately covered with heavy bloodlust as she heard Ricky laughing...

Ricky: did you seriously think I will leave like that my darling... I thought you knew me well... he said laughing as he shot another bullet at Manik which Manik avoided...

then everything happened in a split second... nandu took the gun in Arya's pocket and shot Ricky right at his heart... she continued to shoot him...

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

seeing her like this everyone in the room shivered... the room was covered with bloodlust... Manik was watching her without blinking his eyes... he then came out of his daze when Arya shook him...

she was about to shoot the last bullet on an already dead person when Manik back hugged her caging her in his arms...

Manik: stop nandu he is already dead... he said while nandu kept wiggling to get out of his hold... she wasn't in her senses anymore... it was like she was a completely different person...

*this was NM... not his dreamy...* Manik thought as he looked at the girl in his arms who was struggling hard... he then thought of something...

Manik: ouch... he shouted and held his arm while looking at Nandu who came to her senses as she heard his shout... she immediately left the gun and turned around...

Nandu: mani... I am so sorry... I am sorry... I hurt you... she said as tears emerged from her eyes... Manik was now helpless... he just wanted to bring her back... he didn't want her to worry... he wiped her tears and hugged her while this was all observed by Arno and Arya... they knew Manik had a big place in nandu's heart but they never thought that she would actually cry for him...

their NM never shows any emotion... but then they understood this was manik's dreamy not their NM... but if someone asks which one they prefer means they would answer in a split second that they would want manik's dreamy... because this was better than an emotionless killing machine which they witnessed back then...

Arno: Manik take care of that girl... I will take care of everything here... he said while Manik nodded in gratitude... he took nandu outside while Arya followed them...

Nandu was silent... she was feeling guilty and angry at herself... she never wanted to show Manik her bad side, her ugly side as she says... she didn't want him to think of her as a monster... she just wished to keep it a secret...

meanwhile, Manik understood her dilemma but kept quiet... he knew she was strong to overcome her fears... she just needs a little time...

Arya walked with them silently towards where mike and Abhi are...


meanwhile near Abhi...

mike came near a big black van and opened the door to see Abhi drinking Starbucks latte and scrolling something in his mobile... mike sighed seeing his carefree manner... even if there was a world war going on outside he would be like this only...

Mike: Abhi... here you go... boss gave this... he said and handed out the contents... Abhi nodded and kept his phone aside and took the bag...

Mike: so how's work in manik's group... did you meet any girl there... oh no what kind of question did I ask... seeing you the girls would have run away... even if there was a girl still left you would have shooed her away by your attitude... he said...

Abhi: arre... first of all I don't have any interest in other girls... but recently I met someone who raised my interest and we began dating... so I have a girlfriend ok... he said raising his collars showing off...

Mike: what!!!! really... he said not believing... while Abhi nodded shyly...

Mike: then that leaves both me and Arya... he said sadly... the person in the driver's seat who heard everything was coughing blood...

* what kind of time is this to discuss such kind of things... boss... please come back fast... only you can control them...* he thought wiping his unshed tears...

Abhi took the cell phone and connected it to the computer...and looked into the bad to see a box...

he opened it to see a small bottle of liquid... he took the bottle and looked at it carefully...

Abhi: this is interesting... i never expected this from him... he said as he examined it... he immediately messaged arya to get nandu as soon as possible...


soon nandu and manik along with arya reached there... arya opened the door which revealing a poor driver who looked at them with ' finally ' expression and two members who are abhi and mike respectively were bricking about something...

nandu was the first one to enter... followed by manik and arya... as soon as they entered the driver drove towards the air port where navya was waiting for them... (actually guys after cabir asked her to go away navya went to abhi and arya... so she is now coming to new york along with them... nandu didn't meet navya face to face yet... so lets see what happens then...)

nandu: abhi... mani ko chot lagi hai... can you treat him first we can talk later... she said while seeing her serious expression abhi nodded and started to do his work... manik was looking at nandu who was now looking outside...

he sighed deeply... of course this was observed by abhi... he looked at arya who nodded his head as if saying 'i will tell you later'... abhi too sighed and continued treating manik... after that he was about to keep his meds inside when manik stopped... 

he gestured towards nandu's shoulder... it was still bleeding lightly... abhi shifted a little towards nandu and asked her hand to which she gave him a confused look...

manik: tumhe bhi chot lagi hai... and you are getting treated... he said sternly which meant no arguments... nandu just looked outside while she gave her hand to abhi...

nandu: abhi how is Mani's injury... she asked in middle...

abhi: it wasn't very serious... he just needs to take some rest... it is his luck that it didn't hit any of the artery... he said while bandaging nandu's hand... listening to this her surrounding aura became very gloomy...

their journey came to an end as they reached the air port...


next episode promo...

nandu: cant you get it... i am asking you something... answer me DAMN IT...


navya: why are you doing this... WHY!!!


manik: so you are that someone who introduced me...


nandu: i never wanted this... I NEVER WANTED ANY OF THIS!!!


abhi: this is dangerous... where did he get this...


so guys... how was it...

how was the overall episode...

please respond guys...

hope you like it...

the story is coming to end guys 2-3 chappy's left... oh there will be an epilogue and some extras...

how was nandini...

how was the fight between ricky and manik...

how was the special entry arno... those who guessed congrats guys 🎉🎉🎊🎊...

what do you think will happen next...

how was the promo...

stay tuned to know more.............

yours one and only

