48. I never wanted any of this...

hey sweeties... hello again...

how are you guys...

sorry for the longgg wait... i was kinda busy with house shifting... please do vote, comment and follow guys... not proof read guys... so please ignore the mistakes...

so without any further ado... let's get back to our chappy... (2105 words guys...)

have fun reading.........................


recap to make it more exciting...

Belle: okkkk... thank you, mummy, for fulfilling my wish... I love you... she said shocking nandu... nandu broke into a bright smile... she called her mummy... she thought happily... while Manik pouted...

Manik: only love for mummy... no love for daddy... he said...

Belle: I love you too daddy... she said as she smiled happily... her family was now complete...


in the hospital room...

Manik and Belle were talking about all sorts of things like FAB5 etc... while nandu was watching them with a smile leaning against the door... that's when someone knocked on the door... nandu looked at the door to see Charlie standing there along with a nurse...

nandu stepped aside to let them in... charlie just smiled at her and went towards Belle...

Charlie: so happy now... he asked while Belle who was grinning at him...

Belle: very... she said as the nurse checked her for any abnormalities... Manik looked at Nandu who was looking at belle... as if noticing someone staring at her she abruptly lifted her head to see Manik staring at her... they both stared each other for a while before nandu broke the eye lock...

* I need to settle something first I guess...*

Manik thought as he messaged his bodyguard a little before concentration on belle...

Manik was with Belle all the time throughout the check up... he wasn't there for her when she faced her surgery but from now on he made a vow to himself to be there for her no matter how small or big the problem is... after all he was her father...

he never thought he would be able to accept Belle that easily... though he said to nandu that he wanted to meet his daughter... there was still some... something that was stopping him... it wasn't until he really met Belle... how could someone not love her... seeing her smile at him so happily as if she didn't undergo a surgery... his heart melted... he wasn't going to let her be alone from now on... he along with nandu will try to be the best parents one could ever be...

his thoughts were disturbed by Charlie who was asking him something...

Manik: could you say that again... he asked coming out of his daze...

Charlie: finally *sigh* you guys should go and get changed... unless you want to sit like that... he gestured towards manik's shirt which was covered with blood a little... Belle giggled a little seeing manik's embarrassed face...

Charlie: ah you could get changed in my office... I will ask someone to bring your clothes though... he said and resumed checking the monitor in front of him...

Belle: bye daddy and mommy... see you later... she said waving her hand with a cute smile while nandu went towards her and kissed her forehead... while saying see you later and asked Charlie to call her if anything happens... she and Manik who was waving at Belle slightly went out in tow...

as soon as they went out Manik saw a person with a black shirt and pants... he went near him and asked him something which Nandu couldn't hear as she was a bit away from them... nandu narrowed her eyes at them while they smiled at her sheepishly... well at least Manik smiled at her sheepishly the bodyguard was neutral... Manik took something from the bodyguard before holding nandu's hand... she raised her brow in a "what" manner...

Manik: don't you think we had something to discuss... he said while nandu apparently thought that the hospital floor was looking much more interesting as she intensely stared at it...

Manik just sighed and dragged her along with him into Charlie's cabin... he made her sit in one of the chairs and kneeled down in front of her...

Manik: dreamy please talk to me... he said caressing her small hand with his big one... his hazelnut eyes stared straight into her chocolate ones... she was taken aback by this...

Nandu: * I don't deserve this... I don't deserve him... he is so... arrgh irresistible... so kind...* mani how can you still... after all that... how can you still talk to me... don't you feel disgusted... i... I killed people before... I am not your dreamy... I am not... I am a monster Manik... didn't you see me there... I even hurt you... i... I seriously don't deserve you mani... she said holding her head... her brain was overheating with all the thinking... while Manik frowned at her...

Manik: What the hell are you talking about... why would I feel disgusted... if anything, I feel proud of you... he said beaming at her while nandu just sighed...

Nandu: no mani... I never wanted you to see me like that... I just want to be your Dreamy... I don't want to be NM... after all the pain I had gone through... I never wanted you to feel it... I never wanted to show you this... this disgusting side of min-... she was interrupted by manik's kiss...

Manik: don't you dare call my wife disgusting... and you know what Nandini... even if you wanted to hide it... how long do you think you could have hidden it... after all one day or the other I was going to find out about this...

and you know what I would feel then... I would feel betrayed... I would have thought that you didn't even have enough trust in me to tell me something like this... then you wouldn't be the girl who trusted me so much that she even agreed to marry me on the first day we met... why don't you answer me... ha... he said shaking her arms slightly...

a lone tear escaped her eyes as she heard what he said... this made Manik soften up a bit...

Manik: dreamy... I don't want you to be insecure... you are perfect the way you are right now... you don't need to hide from me... don't let your brain work overtime thinking all these things ok... let things take their own course... okay...

well now... (taking a deep breath while nandu looked at Manik confusingly with slightly red eyes and nose) I know this is really messed up... although I wanted to properly do this... but with all the Ricky (he said spating the word with disgust while nandu chuckled at him slightly...) fiasco my plans were interrupted... so Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra... will you give me the honor of marrying me again... he said while nandu watched him with wide open mouth... she could not believe it... he took the thing he asked the bodyguard to bring and opened it revealing a pair of beautiful platinum and rose gold rings...

Nandu was about to speak when Manik interrupted her again...

Manik: Shh... let me speak... I am doing this on my free will and not because I am already married to you... I am doing this because I want you to know that no matter what situation it was or is... I will still want to marry you... I know we took the decision in a haste before.... so I want to take it slow now... I want to fulfill every ritual and every vow with you... I want to see every single side of you... and it will never disgust me... it will only make you even purer in my eyes... I want you to understand that... and I hope that whenever we argue or feel sad.... we wouldn't hide from each other and you better not over think about everything... he said while nandu chuckled a little more... her eyes were filled with tears but this time they were the ones came from happiness...

Manik: I will take care of you until my last breath and I am saying this not just as my responsibility but because I truly care for you... and of course we will have lots and lots of children to keep us company... didn't you say you will help me create a basketball team... he said while nandu widened her eyes in disbelief and looked at him as if he had grown 10 heads... she then smirked at him...

Nandu: then you need to work hard mani... she said while Manik BLUSHED... she laughed at him... he was just soo cute... she pinched his cheeks making manik Manik pout a little before laughing with her...

Manik: so is it a yes... he asked while nandu put her index finger on her chin as if thinking deeply while Manik narrowed his eyes at her...

Nandu: ..................... yes... she said loudly while manik chuckled at her childishness which was only for him to see... he slided the ring along her finger while nandu too did the same with manik... he finally stood up and sat on the chair beside him and swiftly held nandu's waist and pulled her into his lap... nandu was startled by this action before relaxing in his hold... it made her feel at home... the one she never thought could be hers...

nandu: thank you mani... for accepting me... and i am sorry... i don't know what got into me... i was thinking way too much... everything appeared quite negative to me... thank you mani... i love you... she said as she rested her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat... manik opened his mouth to say something when the door opened...

nandu immediately stood up in reflex... manik frowned not feeling her warmth and looked up to glare at the person who interrupted them... he saw a nurse looking at them with an awkward expression along with a bag in her hands...

nurse: Dr. Charlie asked me to bring you these... she said and handed them to nandu who nodded in return... nandu went towards the bedroom in Charlie's office to change along with manik who changed in the washroom...

nandu made a call to navya asking her if they reached or not while manik made a call to his friends first and asked them to come to New York taking the next flight... he then called his grandparents and informed them about his arrival as they were living in the same city... after cutting the call manik sat in one of the chairs while watching nandu who was still talking...

manik: * i don't know how muku and dhruv will react to this... i didn't say anything about nandu being my wife to them... i hope they will accept her... * he thought anxiously while nandu cut the call and came towards him...

nandu: lets go mani... she said while manik smiled and nodded his head like an obedient boy... seeing this nandu chuckled lightly...

manik: *ah... how i love her smiles... i think i have been totally smitten by you... my dreamy...* he thought chuckling to him self before entwining her hand with his...


thank you so much guys for supporting me through out my story...

ah don't worry this isn't my last chapter... just another or maybe two more chapters...

please do vote and comment guys...

so how was the chapter...

did you like manan movements...

did you like manik's proposal...

what do you think will be the reaction of mukthi and dhruv...

how was manan and their bond with belle...

stay tuned to know more...

by your one and only

