42. its time to face HIM...

hey, sweeties missed me... ok fine missed my story... I know you did...

guys last time I kept some targets and looks like we only crossed one of them... the votes are still in 200's guys... but I am really thankful for your love aka comments...

today's target... 250 votes and 50 comments...

thank you soo much and please keep on supporting me like this only...

so no more bak bak now... straight to the chapter... 3155 exactly words guys... its a big one...

hope you like it.......................

have fun reading............................................


recap to make it more exciting... or to people who forgot what happened before like me...😝😅😁

manik: then when are we going to meet our daughter... he said while she looked at him surprisingly...

manik: arre dreamy I am your husband means she is my daughter right... he said while nandu nodded... she was happy that Manik accepted belle...

that night nandu slept happily... and Manik too had a smile on his face...


next morning...

nandu woke up to see her mani in deep sleep... he was back hugging her softly yet firmly not trying to hurt her even in his sleep... she smiled seeing his slightly open mouth and his mole on top of it... she grinned to herself as she prepared to attack him as a wolf eyeing her sheep... she instantly put her lips on his waking him up from his sweet sleep... Manik was too confused to know what was happening... he could only see a black colored figure and something wet against his mouth... nandu grinned when she found he was awake... she parted with his lips just to dive into them again... Manik, who know got to know that his dreamy was kissing him, held her and kissed her with the same passion... they again had to (THE KEYWORD: HAD TO) part due to lack of oxygen... nandu was busy pecking his mole literally becoming obsessed with it... while Manik had a small smile on his lips which only grew wider with her pecks... he then finally stopped her by pulling her into his arms caging her moment... nandu pouted while Manik just chuckled seeing her acting childish... she was a baby... HIS BABY... mind you only HIS...

manik: so my dear wife... what made you disturb my sleep in such a sweet way... he asked her breathing into her neck...

nandu: mani... I was just trying to wake you up... she said with a "you wronged me" look while Manik laughed heartily... seeing him laugh obviously made her smile too... their moment was interrupted by a call... as she looked at her phone her eyes sparkled a little...

phone convo...

person: nannu... where are you... you were here just yesterday... now I cannot find you at all... he said while nandu hit her forehead slightly...

nandu: sorry charlie... I forgot to inform you... I came back to India... she said while she heard a shout... (for the people who forgot Charlie... he is Charlie Wilson... Nandini's doctor now belle's too... you can recall the chapter THIS SHOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED...)

charlie: WHAT!!! you went BACK... are you serious... you know right that belle won't forgive you if she knows that you went away before seeing her... he said taking a deep breath to calm himself down... while nandu sighed...

nandu: arre charlie... take a chill pill... I came here to pick belle's surprise... I will be back soon with it... she said while Charlie sighed in relief...

charlie: oh thank god... and Belle is not yet awake... we are still keeping her under observation as even if the surgery was successful we need to take precaution right... you can meet her tomorrow so be here by then... now to the main point... how are you... you are feeling ok right... he said as he massaging his head... nandu muttered yes I am ok and asked him to take care of her and cut the call... she knew he would ask her about her health... she didn't know why but nowadays she felt a little off... she chucked it off and turned towards her mani...

he looked at her confusingly... nandu understood his confusion and sat beside him...

nandu: mani he is Charlie Wilson.... my............... my and belle's doctor... she said hesitatingly knowing he will worry... and the same thing happened... Manik frowned instantly listening to this...

manik: dreamy... why do you have a doctor... are you ok... what happened to you... he asked her holding both of her hands... while nandu smiled truly seeing his pure concern for her...no one has ever shown this to her... to her, Manik was the most important person along with belle... the others come after them... its not like she doesn't care about the others... but Manik and belle were her lifelines... she wouldn't have a reason to live if not for them...

nandu: mani I am fine... she was about to speak more when Manik interrupted her...

manik: Nandini I want the truth... he said sternly but he was not angry at her... though he was concerned about her that doesn't mean he should be angry at her for hiding things from him... she has every right to hide something... even from him... he knew she hid this from him because she didn't want to make his worried... he knew much better than to just lash out on her... he respects her enough to let her hide something and not persist... but he, at the same time, worried about her... it was her choice...

nandu smiled a little seeing him control himself just for her... seeing him try not to lash out... seeing him acting the opposite of what he actually is... he was changing and this was much better than him who was heartbroken...

nandu: mani... when I drowned the water entered my lungs... it had become a problem where I sometimes face difficulty in breathing making me unconscious... and added to my bottled up feelings and distress it was even severe... that's why when you said I had a fever and fainted for a day... I called Charlie to ask why it was happening again... he said it was just a fluctuation of emotion and common cold... it was not serious... she said while Manik hugged her tightly... she patted his back while he was trying to digest everything... his dreamy had gone through a lot... and he was proud of her that she still held on to life... now it was his turn to protect her and their daughter...

nandu: mani... belle is not awake yet... I am thinking of booking tonight's flight to new york... she said while Manik broke the hug and held her hand caressing it...

manik: of course dreamy... the sooner the better... he said while nandu smiled at his excitement... she was imagining belle's reaction when she sees Manik... it was gonna be interesting... she thought and smiled... Manik excused himself and went to fresh up first since nandu said she will fresh up after him... nandu looked at her phone...

it's time to face him... she thought as she looked out of the window... Manik came out in his attire for the day and went near her... he back hugged her and snuggled into her... she giggled as it was tickling... Manik then thought of something... his hold against her was tightened... nandu too sensed it... (manik's attire guys...)

manik: dreamy... what is your relationship with that...... Ricky... he asked as he tightened his grip more but Nandu didn't feel anything uncomfortable from his hold... she held his hands and turned towards him... she cupped his cheeks making him look straight into her eyes...

nandu: awee... is my mani jealous... she said giggling while manik pouted...

manik: dreamy... he said pouting while nandu pecked his pout...

nandu: mani... he is just someone I picked up from the streets... that's all... she said casually... while Manik was shocked with his mouth wide open...

manik: what!!! he said being bewildered...

nandu: arre mani... it happened when I was 16... she said thinking back...


flashback... (sorry guys this is the last flashback... no more mystery after this...)

nandini's pov...

I took control of Murthy industries around this time... I was going home from work I think... when I saw a boy surrounded by some people he was trying to get hide some food which I guess he stole looking at his clothes... those people were twice his size... I was curious so I stopped the car and stood nearby with my bodyguards to observe... he was not trying to fight back but was trying to hide his food instead... soon after beating him up thoroughly they left him... the boy slowly sat straight and started eating his food... I didn't feel any pity or sympathy towards him... the world was cruel and she knew it better than anyone... then I had a thought... why don't I 'help' him... he was of some use... I went near him... sensing my moment he looked up... he glared at my furiously... I grinned... it was quite interesting... she knew how his mentality was observing him... he was the kind of person who would do anything to get whats his back... and this is what she was searching for...

nandu: come with me... you can have whatever you want... she said while the boy narrowed his eyes obviously not believing her...

nandu: I will provide you food but you have to listen to what I say... don't worry I won't make you do something against your will... she said but in her mind, 1000's of thoughts were running...

I cannot lose such an opportunity... I need to have him... she thought... and gestured her bodyguards to come...

nandu: what's your name... she asked him...

boy:............................................. its Ricky....... he muttered in a low hoarse voice... (imagine him with messy clothes and a little lean guys...)

the boy nodded his head cautiously to her when she asked him if he was coming... he didn't have anything here... and he didn't have anything to lose if she tries anything crazy... and he also didn't have a choice... if he said no he was sure that she was gonna kill him... the bodyguards lifted him up and put him in the car... soon they drove off to her mansion...


Arno was sitting on the sofa watching TV... when he heard the car horn... he knew nandu came back...

Arno: hey little.......... girl..... he said completing his sentence as he saw her enter with a boy... he looked at the boy closely... he looked awful... his clothes were messy with mud and he was beaten up... he frowned as he saw nandu taking him to the guest room...

Arno: little girl who is he... he asked her curiously... she asked him to wait out and went inside the room...

nandu: listen to me... I am going to train you from tomorrow... and if you think you can escape then it's just a dream... wake up from it ok... tomorrow on-wards you won't get the time to even think about it... you want to be strong enough to get what you want right... so listen to me and you can get whatever you want... she said each and every word audibly and clearly... her face was emotionless... he nodded his head being scared... he wasn't a fool... he knew it was a death wish wanting to escape after seeing the security outside... he was also aware of the fact that this was going to change his life then why not grab the opportunity... and the girl in front of him was so beautiful like an angel but he knew every beauty has thorns... his face showed a crazed kind of smile...

nandu came outside and went near Arno...

nandu: old man... that boy inside... I am going to train him... he will be my replacement... he will be the next mafia king... she said emotionless... Arno was very angry...

Arno: what the hell are you talking about... GIRL, I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS... he shouted but nandu was as calm as the water...

nandu: don't worry... I will train him for a year... if he is not up to your mark I will set him free... she said not bothering to say anything anymore... meanwhile Arno was very angry but he knew he no longer had the right to decide for her... he couldn't bring himself to trust the kid in the guest room... but if something went wrong he would make sure to kill that boy...

nandu pov... at last i will be free with this... no longer need to see people killing each other... she thought as she went towards her room...

that's how nandu trained Ricky to become a MAFIA KING... as days passed Ricky grew stronger as well as his feelings for nandu grew strong too... to the point of obsession... but for nandu he was just a boy she picked up from the street and now her replacement... yes its true... she was heartless then... that is until she met Manik and belle...

end flashback...


manik hugged nandu muttering a hmm... as he was finally glad that Ricky wasn't that important to nandu... but there was one thing he was very troubled with...

manik looked out of the window and sighed...

manik pov: looks like my dear wife has a bad habit of picking things from streets... he thought as he sighed again... nandu who was unaware of what he was thinking leaned on him playing with his fingers... she then went to fresh up while manik just sat on the bed... she came out after some time... manik was watching her with his mouth wide open... she looked soo cute...

manik held her hand and made her sit on his lap... he breathed her scent as he snuggled in her neck while nandu giggled seeing him so possessive... they stayed like that for a little while when they heard sounds from down... looks like they woke up... nandu thought grinning and went down with Manik just to see Rahul trying to free himself... and aliya looking at him with tears in her eyes but made no moment to help him...

manik came near aliya and asked her if she was ok... she started crying seeing him...

aliya: I am sorry Manik... I really am... I am so stupid to believe someone like him... I am a fool... why did I even love him after knowing this long back that he was only using me... why... she said as she cried... Manik didn't know what to do... nandu came and hugged her lightly...

nandu: thank you for calling me... thank you for being Mani's friend... she said as she knew without aliya's help she wouldn't have known what was happening there... no matter what she saved his life by calling nandu... Manik just smiled seeing nandu and aliya like this... yes he was angry that aliya betrayed him but in the end, she did help him... FAB5 was the definition of true friendship... not fake ones... he was happy instead that finally his friend was back... the aliya who he had a crush with was not the scheming women from before but the little girl who tries her best to bring the group together with mukthi... he wasn't going to deny his feeling... he indeed had a crush on her but that's all... right now his feelings for his dreamy were incomparable... this was love... and he knew it...

nandu pulled apart and went near Rahul... Manik was just observing her...

nandu: have something to say... any final words... she asked... while Rahul furiously glared at her...

rahul: bit*h... I will definitely kill Manik no matter what... Ricky will kill him for me... you can't do anything... he said laughing... but was taken aback by the sudden punch from nandu... blood came out of his mouth because of the force... while Nandu didn't use her full strength... since he still had some use to her...

nandu: listen carefully... never talk or even think about killing my mani... ok... because no one can even touch him until I am here... not even RI... she said and gestured the bodyguard to lift him up which he did obviously... she turned towards Manik and hugged him tightly...

nandu: I will take care of this... you sort it out with your friends... then we can go meet our daughter... she said while Manik smiled softly pecking her forehead... he asked her to be careful while she just nodded... she turned around and started moving towards the door as Manik looked at her with a smile on his face... seeing this aliya just smiled sadly... she knew she was no one to nandu but yet she thanked her for calling... that day aliya knew what Manik meant to Nandini and what nandu is to Manik...


so guys how was the episode...


did you guys like the flashback...

how was the hardhearted nandu...

did you get why Ricky was the mafia king, not nandu... I kept the flashback a little short as I can't keep bringing the past up and delay the present right...

did you understand why nandu was worried because she fainted from a fever that day...( in chapter 22)

how was manan's moment... how were the predator nandu and the prey Manik...

did you guys like the overall episode... is it up to your taste...

what do you think nandu will do to Rahul and Ricky now...

3-4 more chapters with epilogue guys... the story is finally coming to an end... sorry i had to extend the chapters since I could only give small updates... now THAT MY HOLIDAYS ARE STARTING I WILL TRY MY BEST TO COMPLETE THE STORY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...

stay tuned to know more................

your one and only

