38. I made her into a monster...

hey sweeties... this is the final part for today...

please do vote, comment and follow guys... it really means a lot...

have fun reading...............................


the next day...

Arno came inside the room to see sleeping Nandu sitting in the same place as yesterday but he somehow thought she was a little different...

Arno: hey kid... wake up... you still think you can sleep... he said shaking her... while nandu woke up fast enough...

nandu looked at him confused... while he just held her collar and lifted her up... he started walking towards the door as nandu was practically hanging from his shoulder...

nandu: ahhhhhhhh!!! she started shouting as she tried to get out of his hold but who was she kidding... it was futile... Arno opened the door letting her out into the sun who closed her eyes at the bright light... her chacha was there looking at her with worry in his eyes... she was staring at him blankly... no matter how much she wanted to smile at him she couldn't...

Arno looked at them and sighed... why is it always so complicated around her... well I don't have time to entertain such melodrama's... i just have to see if this kid really can handle it or not... if so... i need to waste another year... he thought while sighing... he then without saying anything left from there with nandu... they finally stopped at a place... (imagine it like this guys....)

nandu was confused why they were here... while Arno pushed her towards the cabins... he then gave her a metal thing which looked exactly like something she knew... she then remembered the name of the very thing she was holding.... she threw it down in panic as she breathed heavily...

nandu: GUN!!!! she shouted looking at that metallic object which was now lying on the ground... Arno frowned and picked the gun up... he again put it forcefully in her hands...

Arno: don't you dare throw it again... you seriously still act like this... fine with me if you want to just wait for your death... waste of my time and resources... he said turned around to go while Nandu held the gun tightly remembering what he said yesterday... " kill yourself... if not you are going to die in the hands of other"... she called him...

nandu: mister I won't throw it away... she said looking emotionless now all her fears were no longer visible... he raised his brow in a mocking manner...

Arno: fine if you say so... i will train you a year and see if you truly are worth a thing... he said walking near her... he then asked her to shoot the target in front of her... the first few tries were very futile... it was as if she couldn't even shoot... the next few were lucky enough to just enter the outer most circle... Arno looked at her in amusement...

Arno: wow so outstanding!!! that was the first time in my life I ever saw someone shoot this nicely... on point... do you think this is a game... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING... he shouted as he spoke the last sentence... nandu shivered...

Arno: don't you even think about going out of this room if you cant shoot the target... I will come back in a few minutes... he said turning around and left as a blank nandu watched him... the door was slammed shut... nandu kneeled as all her strength left... she looked at the hand in which she held the gun... it was shaking but she still held on to the gun... she took some deep breaths...

nandu: why! why!!! did you leave me... amma... appa... she shouted looking at the ceiling... she looked down as tears fell... she looked at the gun in her hands...

nandu: amma, appa... i want to be with you... she thought blankly as she raised the gun...


Arno: right on point... he said coming out from where he was hiding... nandu stared at him blankly... no she didn't shoot the target nor did she shot herself... she shot him... he was there all the time listening to her...

Arno: i guess it would be fun now... he thought chuckling darkly...


a year later...

we can see a girl in black tracksuit shooting the targets without blinking her eyes... then a person came in...

Arno: our time together is coming to an end... and I want to test you... he said looking at the emotionless girl... she was quite adaptable to her surroundings... well they say right kids adapt quickly to their surroundings than the adults...

nandu just nodded... in these 11 months or nearly a year she never spoke more than necessary she mostly shut them off... even her own chacha and chachi too...

Arno brought her to the training room he created especially for her... he called it the death room... (flashy right? hehe...)

Arno: you are going to stay here... and you won't come out until I allow you to... have fun surviving... he said chuckling and went away as nandu looked around the room... she saw a gun and the same dagger from a year ago... she picked them up and watched her surrounding keenly... it was empty she moved a little in and opened the door... it was also empty... with just a small slip on the ground... she bent and picked it up...


                                         girl... i wouldn't do that if i was you...

                                                                                                                                                  death fighter...

just as she read this the wall broke and 5 men entered the room fully armed... she knew her gun wouldn't do a thing so she put it back in her pocket and took her dagger... she swept her eyes and checked the surroundings once again and memorized the newly created places...

man1: little girl we won't be easy on you... he said as he took his gun to shoot...

bang* bang* bang* the sounds of gunshots were clear... using her small stature as an advantage nandu avoided the bullets and went near the first person and attacked him with her dagger...

she murmured a few things as she was hitting him...

nandu: sinus pressure point- paralyze, (she murmured as she pressed at the pressure point...) forehead- concussion... she murmured as she his his forehead flat causing the person to stagger back due to the force... she kicked his leg causing him to fall... she dodged the upcoming bullets as she swung her knife towards the 2nd person... he ducked and pushed her on to the ground... she coughed clutching her stomach due to the pain from the punch... she put her dagger in her pocket...

nandu: too weak... she murmured and stood up again this time she hit the person at his neck with her hand causing him to trouble in breathing... seeing her attacking brutally the other three people went near them... another person tried to grab her but was awarded a kick... she was too busy fighting one on one with the 3rd person that she forgot there were two more people in the room... the 4th person grabbed her by her hair and pushed her on to the wall... her arm was injured as she put it in the way to avoid more damage... the 5th person went near her kicked her in the stomach brutally a few times and punched her until she coughed blood... she held his leg and twisted it causing the person to fall on to the ground... she then climbed on him and punched him at his temple causing him to blank out...

the 3rd person came near her and held her hair making her look at him...

3rd person: you know what b*tch i thought to go easy on you... he said and hit her jaw... she held his hand and twisted it back causing him to scream the 4th person grabbed her hands... she was stuck... the 3rd person held his hand in pain... he glared at her who smirked in response... he punched her stomach taking his anger out... nandu grabbed her dagger from her pocket and stabbed the 4th person's hand... he left her in pain... she stood up and kicked the 3rd person in his solar plexus... the 4th person took her dagger out of his arm roughly and threw it away... clank* it hit the ground...

he took his handgun from his pocket and smiled evilly... he murmured a few words... although she couldn't hear what he said... she could make out what he was trying to say by his lips...

neoneun jug-eulgeoya... (you are going to die...) (( in Korean guys 😅😅😅 any kpop fans... cause i am one💘💘))

nandu panicked... at that exact moment, she reacted pulling the gun from her pocket and pulled the trigger...

*bang... *bang...

nandu fell on to her knees clenching her arm which was shot... * damn she was slow...* she thought as she watched the person in front of her lying on the ground with a pool of blood... she felt a little dizzy... the last thing that she could make out was a person entering the room and lifting her up saying you are still alive... what a stubborn girl... good... he said with a snort...

Arno pov... the people who were fighting are unconscious along with her... seriously who said that they were A ranked killers... well i seriously knew this was gonna happen and i wanted SSS rank killers at first but that little girl's uncle said a big no... it would have been exciting... no one understands this... she needs to get better soon so i can train her even more... he thought as he looked at the ICU where nandu was currently resting BECAUSE OF HER WOUNDS...

the doctor who was in charge of nandu came out...

doctor: are you are a guardian... he asked Arno... while he nodded...

doctor: what kind of guardian are you... how could you let the girl be beaten that severely... irresponsible parents... he said as Arno widened his eyes... looking at the doctor...

Arno: oh hello doc... you know what i am not even married yet... she is not my kid... he said while the doctor bit his tongue and smiled at him...

doctor: well no matter what... you are her guardian right so make sure to treat her well... she might have trouble in breathing as there were some bruises on the stomach area... she also had bruises on her face... are you sure you don't need to inform the police... he said while Arno gritted his teeth and came near the doctor...

Arno: you do your job doc... if you still wanna keep it... i will handle this shit... he said and moved away from the ward... he then looked at the ward where the other people were kept...

Arno: no matter what she didn't kill them after all... though at the end she lost her cool... she is after all a 10... ah i think she should be turning 11 this year right... hmm, a 11 year old kid... too innocent... he thought sighing...


5 months later...

as soon as nandu recovered she had to undergo hellish training saying that she was very weak... she couldn't even beat an E RANKED KILLER... (did Arno just lie???) she trained hard though not caring... but one-day nandu seriously had enough and went to ask him...

nandu: didn't you say... you were going to train me ONLY for 1 year... then why are you still here... she said as Arno dramatically gasped...

Arno: you ungrateful brat... you should thank you teacher for being so magnanimous... he said while nandu rolled her eyes and walked out ignoring his rant...

Arno: i will MAKE YOU THE NEXT MAFIA KING... only then will i go back... he thought out loud as he stared at her back...


8 years later...

nandu's outfit guys...

nandini: i thank everyone for this award... she said and moved out before anyone could even ask her questions... all the reporters actually knew this would happen so some of them were stationed near her home... but nandu drove to an isolated beach...

nandu looked at the sky ... her face was as emotionless as ever... she received a call...

phone convo...

Arno: you ungrateful brat... you didn't even call your teacher to your award thingy... he said... his voice sounded hoarse...

nandu: old man don't you think you have a lot of free time lately... she said in a bleak tone and flat face...

Arno: you still are like this... i seriously regret my decision for teaching such an ungrateful brat... he murmured... but she cut the call...

( Arno pov... i shouldn't have trained you to be a monster that you are right now... he sighed remembering all the people who were brutally beaten by her... or even worst KILLED BY HER... )

nandu sat on a rock... and looked at the waves...

nandu: amma, appa... i have done everything you would have wanted me to do... i did my best to make your company the top most... and i did my best to get your revenge... killing the very person responsible for your death... i made sure it was as painful for him... now i can die right... now i can come to you right... she said looking up... she was vulnerable no matter what... but only when she thinks about her parents... she took a deep breath... as she............................


so guys how was the chapter...

please do comment.... please... please...

how was nandu in this chapter...

did you think the fight was too much or just right... please comment...

why do you think Ricky became the mafia king when Arno was so admin to make nandu the next mafia king...

what do you think nandu will do...

stay tuned to know more...........................

                                                         by yours one and only

