44. ๐Ÿ˜ค i am not a sleeping beauty...๐Ÿ˜ค

heyyyyyyyyyy sweeties...

so how are you guys... missed my story... yup, yup I know... enough of this bak, bak and straight to the chapter... excited right...

Oh but please do ignore the mistakes... not proof read...

PLEASE DO VOTE AND COMMENT GUYS... hope you like it..........

have fun reading.................................


In the middle of the city...

There was a lot of hustle and bustle... people in black suits are moving around talking in their walkie-talkie... a tall and handsome person emerged from the elevator carrying a girl in his arms effortlessly... he went out to see a dark blue Lamborghini waiting for them...

he kept the girl in safely first and was about to enter when some one stopped him...

Ricky: you better have a good reason to stop me Mike... the person beside him gave a stiff smile before speaking...

Mike: sir we cannot fly today due to the weather... he said coming straight to the point... this was the thing he learned under the guidance of nandu... because she NEVER likes to beat around the bush...

Ricky: What the Heck!!! What do you mean by due to the weather... he shouted not caring that there were people around...

Mike: the problem is near the new York airlines sir... we cannot fly today... he said still respectfully... yet he always hoped he could go back to nandu... a monster was much better than a back stabbing fox...

Ricky: DAMN!!! He cursed under his breath...

Ricky: fine... arrange a room in the hotel... and also make sure to bring some clothes and whatever she needs... I want everything to be perfect when my darling wakes up... he said smiling which appeared a little crooked...

Mike: yes sir... he said before going away... while Ricky entered the car... soon it drove off to one of the biggest and best hotels in the city...


Ricky entered the room carrying nandu and kept her slowly on the bed... he put his suitcase on the sofa and came near her... he caressed her hair a little and removed her mask by clicking the lower button on her left before cupping her cheeks (there were two buttons guys)... he put the mask on the table beside the bed...

Ricky: my darling nannu... finally you are mine... you are just like a sleeping beauty... and I will be your prince and wake you up from your sweet manik malhotra dream... he said and was about to kiss her lips when someone knocked at the door... ( thank God... otherwise I would have seriously killed him๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก)

Ricky: whoever it is better have a good reason to disturb me... he thought and opened the door to see Mike standing with shopping bags in his hand... he smiled stiffly and came in to keep the bags... he casually glanced on the bed to see nandu laying on it... he sighed sadly... it would have been nice if she escaped from his dark clutches... right now she was looking like a broken angel who is not able to wake up... but he knew no matter what Ricky will definitely try to get nandu by hook or crook... if only I was of some help to boss... I seriously regret not stopping boss from picking him up that night...

While he was thinking this Ricky came beside him and tapped his shoulder... he turned around to see Ricky looking at him with a scowl... he quickly apologised to him and went out before Ricky shot him...

Mike: thank God!!! If I had stayed there any longer I don't know what would have happen... he sighed and was about to go when he felt something weird... he looked around before locking his gaze on something...

Mike: now that's fishy... he thought to himself as he walked towards it... he looked out of the window to see nothing... he cringed a little but turned away to go when.......


Ricky was about to go towards nandu when someone knocked at the door...

Ricky: AGAIN!!! He groaned in defeat...

Hehe... looks like no one wants him to be with nandu... May God bless the person who disturbed them...๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

He went to see it was some guard...

Ricky: Now WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!!! He barked at the guard who was scared beyond words... he slowly came out if his daze when Ricky shouted once again...

Guard: sir there is someone asking for you... he said that it was very important... that's why I came sir... he said slowly while Ricky frowned... who could it be... he thought as he followed the guard down...


While inside the room...

Nandu opened her eyes...

Nandu: I am not a sleeping beauty... I know how to wake up on my own... and I don't need a useless prince charming like you Ricky... and manik is not just my dream... he is my reality which you will never be... she spoke out loud in anger... she stood up from the bed and wore her mask back... she tapped the button on her right... a red transparent screen appeared in front of her... it started to send some rays all around the room... she finally found the suitcase on the sofa... she held it and tried to open it...

Nandu: locked... DAMN... and i dont have time to play a guess game... she thought... she looked around and tapped another button on her mask... a blue colour yet transparent screen appeared in front of her...

she took a deep breath... she knew it was dangerous... she had to first hack the satellite monitering the suitcase... if she was even a minute late, Ricky would get the alerted... his watch would alert him...

she took another deep breath and started typing the codes on the virtual keyboard... she typed so fast the we could only see the after image of her fingers... the screen turned into a green and black one as the loading started...

System: processing... 1%... 5%... 11%... 18%... 23%... 59%... 80%... 95%... 99%... 99%... 99%...

Nandu: why the heck is it taking so much time... I only have 13 seconds left before Ricky finds out...

12 seconds... 10 seconds... 9 seconds...

Click* the door opened... Nandu turned her head towards the sound...


So heyyy guys liked the update...

If so please please do vote and comment guys... and yeah don't forget to follow me...

So how was the chapter...

what did you like the most in this... speaking of me I just loved the part where nandu says she is not a sleeping beauty and needs no prince to wake her up... lots of girl power...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰

and how was Ricky in this chapter... did you like the hacker nandu... I too want a mask like that... it was soo cool right...

did anyone wonder why nandu was searching for the suitcase... and why she was pretending to be asleep...

and Did you like Mike... I tho loved him... and ya he has a significant role in this story... he was actually from nandu's group... but Ricky made him leave nandu... he seriously resented Ricky for seperating him from his goddess aka devil aka nandu...

so what do you think will happen next... who do you think came to "visit" Ricky...

Who was the person near the door...

Stay tuned to know more...

Yours one and only

