•Chapter 4.9•

- Death Note -

Little Harry was giggling when Sirius tickled his feet slightly and Alex smiled down at the little boy, while Haylee was in her mother's arms eating from her bottle.

James stayed by Gabriella's side as she smiled down at the little girl. Her dark brown hair was covering her head just enough and she had bright blue eyes, just like James.

But Harry had yet to grow any hair, but you could tell his eyes were going to be a vibrant green like his mother's. Gabriella sighed when Haylee finished the bottle and looked at her with big eyes.

James chuckled and kissed Gabriella on the lips slightly. "Can I hold her, love?" He asked and she smiled.

"Of course." She agreed and handed over Haylee carefully over to James and he held her against his chest comfortably and Gabriella got up to look over at Harry with Alex and Sirius.

Sirius laughed slightly. "So we are the Godparents for Harry. While Remus and Quinn are for Haylee." He questioned and she chuckled.

"And Marlene is the aunt." She finished while Alex smiled at her.

"They are angels." She whispered as Harry's eyes fluttered closed and Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, now they're Angels. Just wait until they wake you up in the middle of the night." Gabriella muttered and James chuckled while Haylee started wailing and squirming in his arms.

"She wants her mom." He said and Gabriella smiled while taking her little girl.

"Hey baby, shhh, it's okay." She whispered as Haylee quieted down and smiled up at her.

Sirius walked over to Gabriella. "You're a great mother, Gabby." He said and she smiled at him.

"I know. And that reminds me." She said and smacked Sirius in the face. He clutched his cheek and James started laughing. "That's for calling me fat, six months ago."

Sirius rolled his eyes and Alex laughed at him. "She- hi-hit you with a baby in her arms!" She laughed out and Gabriella smiled at her.

"That's why I love you, Alex."


Gabriella's POV

The night was still and quiet as the Haylee and Harry were in their cribs and I was in my bed writing in my journal again.

'Dear Harry and Haylee,

I hope that one day you will get this when your old enough to read. But I know something bad is going to happen. Lately Dumbledore and the rest of the order are protective over me and your father. We have to stay in the house and I know that if anything happens to us, I want you to know that we love you.

I hope that you understand that a lot is happening and I will do anything in my power to keep you safe. Please forgive me if anything happens.

Love your mother and father,

Gabriella and James Potter'

I finished the letter with tears in my eyes and I look over at James as he keeps his head on my stomach while I put the journal in the bedside table drawer.

I placed my hand in his hair and felt him shiver slightly while I chuckled. I turned the lamp off and closed my eyes to be in a peaceful sleep.


Just a filler chapter because the Nextel chapter is the last one! Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks❤️❤️❤️

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