•Chapter 0.4•

- Friends and Foes -

James, Sirius, Remus, and Petter were out near the Black Lake, trying to see if they could get the giant squid to show itself. "Come on, there has to be something down there." Sirius said while throwing another rock into the bottomless lake.

"Guys, seriously you're not going to get the giant squid to show up." Remus said while looking back into his book.

James rolled his eyes while poking a stick in the water. Peter gave up and sat down with a huff next to Remus and laid down on the grass. "I'm giving up." He wheezed out.

Sirius laughed and sat down at the pier looking over the sun set. "So, what's up with you and Rodgers now, Prongs?"

James looked up with furrowed eyebrows and shifted his glasses up his nose. "What do you mean?"

Remus took his eyes off his book and set down on his lap. "Everyone knows James, you've been trying to let her be your friend since second year."

James huffed and looked over the lake. "Yeah, but she's too stubborn. Just like Evans."

Peter looked up and smiled. "Well, you have another chance I guess." Everyone looked at him weirdly.

"What?" They all asked. Peter rolled his eyes and pointed over to the wavy haired girl and her red haired friend.

They were laughing about something while they sat down next to a tree and started on their homework. "Speak of the devil and it appears." Remus muttered and James got up quickly.

He dusted the dirt of his pants and robes and looked over at his friends. "Well, are you guys going with me or not."

They all rolled their eyes except Peter who stayed down on the grass. "We're coming." They said unamused and started following him.

Peter stayed still and looked up at the sky. "He's doomed." He said while smiling and watching what unfolds.


Gabriella's POV

I laughed as Lily tried to imitate Professor Flintwick. "Lily, it's not working. But once we get this homework done then you can start your imitations again."

She rolled her eyes and sat down beside the tree. "So much for being my friend." She said while fake pouting.

"Lily, stop it." I said while taking out the parchment and started writing our essay.

After not even a minute we heard footsteps coming towards us and I sighed. "Will we ever be able to get our work done?"

Lily looked up and growled under her breath. "What do you want Potter? Came here to bully us as well?" I looked over Lily with a questioning look.

"No, Lily flower, I came here to see if you would like to go to Hogsmead with me?" I shook my head with a smirk plastered on my face.

"No you ignorant toe rag!" She said while slamming her book and getting up. "When you return to the common room, just yell for me." Lily said softly over to me.

She scoffed when she looked over at James and walked off. "Really James! That was my only friend at the moment."

He smirked and sat down next to me. "Well, we can be your friends." I looked over at Remus and Sirius with a smile.

"James, they are my friends, but you not so much." I said and got up as well.

"Why not?" He asked in desperation.

"You know why James, I don't have to spell it out for you." I said sadly and got up while walking away as well.


I sighed when I reached the common room and went up to my room. I open the door and closed it while greeted by Marlene's snoring and Lily's gibberish.

I smiled and went over to Lily's bed. "What are you babbling about this time?"

Lily groaned and looked at me with big green eyes. "Why can't Potter just shove off?"

I chuckled and laid my head on her shoulder. "Well, I believe you like him as well Lily."

She scoffed and smacked me with a pillow. "I do not! He's just a big bully and a toe rag."

I rolled my eyes while smirking. "That's why you only call him a toe rag."

She screeched and started smacking my with the pillow again. "I. Do. Not. Like. James. Potter." She repeated over and over again while hitting me while I just laughed.

"Whatever you say Mrs. Potter!"

"Will you two shut up!" Marlene yelled and shoved her head back into her pillow.


Hello people! What do you think happened between James and Gabby? Well you'll learn in future chapters. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! ❤️❤️❤️

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