•Chapter 0.9•

- Party -

Even if it was only October and tomorrow was Halloween, it was cold outside to Gabriella as the rain poured and she sat down by the big oak tree sketching in her drawing pad.

Gabriella put on a shield charm so the rain wouldn't hit the paper, but it would pitter patter down her face and body. She always hated Halloween. The children that would make fun of her and always throw rotten eggs in her direction or even throw toilet paper over her house.

She hated the constant reminder of the younger her getting bullied and beaten just because of an illness. She didn't realize that the rain drops were mixed with her tears until she felt someone sit next to her.

She looked up to see Professor Dumbledore with a small grin as he looked around. "Good evening Ms. Rodgers." He said while looking over her sad face.

She sniffled and slowly got up. "I guess you want me to go inside now." She muttered and he just chuckled at her while getting up with her.

"Not really, I was just hoping to see your artwork before you left." He said while following her inside.

She stopped and looked at him confused. "My- my drawings?" She asked confused.

He chuckled amused and looked over her drawing. It was her with a big red heart over her chest while she was smiling with her friends by her side. He smiled even more when he saw James in the picture as well.

He gave it back. "You have an amazing gift Gabriella, don't forget that a small heart can become a big one." She looked at him confused and she just watched him go back in the castle.

"And I'm proud of how you got your friends to go back together, Ms. Rodgers." He said and disappeared without a trace.

Gabriella's just looked over the spot with a look of confusion. "What just happened?"


Gabriella's POV

I went into the Great Hall to the smell of Pumpkins and Cinnamon. Cobwebs, pumpkins, ghosts, and that eerie feeling was around as today was Halloween.

I went over to sit down and wait for Lily and Marlene while Sirius came to sit next to me. "Hey Gabby." He said looking over me while I just smiled at him.

"Hey Siri. How are you and James?" He chuckled and pointed his thumb to show James giving a daydream look up at the ceiling sky.

"He's just perfect, because of you. You really did help him." Sirius said while laughing at his friends face.

"Well, I wanted him to be happy. That's all anyone deserves." I said while Sirius looked behind her to stare at a certain Hufflepuff named Alex.

I smirked with a knowing look. "Alex huh?" He looked back over me when his grey eyes looked with mine.

He shuffled in his seat before answering. "I don't know what you're talking about." I just laughed and smirked.

"Whatever you say Black." I then saw Lily and Marlene come back with smiling faces. He smiled and shook his head. "Hope you can come to the game, Rodgers."

I smiled and while he was walking away I stood up and yelled, "You know I always come to watch!"


After school was over the Gryffindors got their common room ready for the Halloween Party they planned every year. I was stuck with decorations and trying to put streamers over the ceiling and staircase.

I was on my tippy toes trying to place the orange and black streamer on the ceiling from the ladder. "Why the short person?" I asked and I felt someone bump into it causing me to scream and fall into someone's arms.

I sighed and glared at the smirk on their face. "James Potter! How dare you?" He just laughed at me and I slapped his chest. "You know I'm the reason Lily is going on a date with you."

James rolled his eyes. "Yes and I have you to thank."

I smirked and got out of his arms and waited for him to speak. "Well, go on."

He smiled and said, "Thank you." I put my hand over my ear.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He smirked and cupped his mouth.

"THANK YOU!" My ears started ringing and everyone started piling in the room when the party started and James smiled.

"Would you like a dance?" He asked while I smirked.

"Nope, because I think you should look at your date." He frowned, but turned around to see what I was talking about and it turned into a bright smile.

Lily was dressed in a beautiful dark green dress and she smiled over at James. I quickly left the scene and got dressed in my attire. It was a blush pink dress with black heels.

I walked down the staircase and heard a gasp causing me to look up and see people staring at me. I just smiled and looked back down and looked to see Remus there at my side.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked nervously and I chuckled.

"Of course Remus." And Sirius, Lily, Marlene, even Peter danced with me and I just laughed and smiled the whole time.


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