•Chapter 0.8•

- The Date -

James dragged Gabriella up to his dorm where Remus, Sirius, and Peter were. Gabriella groaned and rolled her eyes every step of the way. "James, I don't want to..." She dragged out and kept dragging her feet so James had a harder time climbing the stairs.

James rolled his eyes and stopped causing her to bump into him and fall to the ground. "Ouch." She mumbled and James smirked.

"Well, I guess I could just carry you." He suggested causing Gabriella to glare at him.

"Don't you-" he grabbed her shoulders and threw her over his back causing her to squeal in surprise. "JAMES POTTER! YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" Gabriella yelled and pounding her fists into his back.

He hissed in pain, but kept walking. "Not until we tell Remus and Sirius we're friends." He breathed out while carrying her squirming body.

"Yeah, but I have to meet Lily and Marlene for girls night! They're probably going to kill me." She said dramatically.

James chuckled. "I doubt that."

Gabriella just smirked remembering a memory of her and James. "Oh yeah, remember when you tried to kiss Lily on her cheek and she kicked you in your-"

James pretended to almost drop her while she screamed and hugged his back. "Yes, I remember that, I probably won't have kids now." He cringed.

Gabriella laughed and James pretended to drop her again. "Don't do that!" She screamed and James just laughed while she squeezed the death out of his stomach.


Gabriella's POV

When we finally made it up to the Gryffindor Common Room and James set me down on one of the couches while I chuckled.

He looked at me funny while I was still giggling. "What? Is there something on my face?"

I shook my head and just smiled. "You'll see when we meet up with everyone."

He just shrugged and followed me up to his dorm room while I could hear arguing. I sighed and looked over James. "They have been arguing all day." I said looking at the door knob.

He smiled sadly. "Sirius talked to me the other day saying he forgave me, but Remus not so much." He said and knocked on the door.

The voices stopped and the door swung open to show Sirius with his hair not at all perfect and Remus with bags under his eyes with a sick green tint on his face.

I looked around the room to see Peter just covering his ears and eating chocolate frogs. "What are you two doing here?" Sirius asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding what he was talking about. "I came here to talk to Remus." I said and walked right in making myself at home.

I plopped myself on a bed and the boys just looked at me weirdly. "Oh come on, Remus you should forgive James. I have." I said trying to lighten the mood with a smile.

Remus sighed and walked over towards me. "Well, he did kinda made fun of you while you were dying."

I rolled my eyes. "I've had worse Remus. But thank you for being a good friend." I whispered and hugged him softly.

He tensed for a moment, but then hugged back. I pulled away and looked over at James and Sirius who were pretending to cry. "Well Moony, are we friends?" James asked in a baby tone.

Remus rolled his eyes and smiled. "Yes, we're friends." James squealed like a girl and hugged both of us.

"Oh, I'm so glad we made up." James said causing me to laugh when I looked on the back of his shirt to see 'I'm stupid, but proud.' Written in lipstick.

Everyone tried to hide their laughter while I started walking away trying not to let James get me. "Well, I hope you guys learned your lesson." I said in a motherly tone and quickly walked away. "I'll see you in the morning."

That's when I heard James yell out, "RODGERS!"

I laughed all the way to my dorm only to see Lily an Marlene passed out on the floor.

"Wow, what did I miss?"


Marlene, Lily, and I were walking to the Library while they were rubbing their heads and squinting their eyes.

"Never again will we play never have a ever." Marlene said while taking her seat and slamming her head in the table.

I chuckled and watched Lily struggle to look at the bright light. "Can you all shut up, my head is killing me."

Marlene looked up and glared at her. "It's your fault for picking the stupid game. Why could we just play Truth or Dare, or Seven Minutes in Heaven?" Marlene asked with a daydream look.

I laughed and Lily glared at me. "Where were you last night? You never miss girls night." I smirked and saw James with the rest of his friends come to the library about ready to ask Lily out. 

"I was helping the marauders get back together." Lily rolled her eyes when she felt James tap her shoulder an she turns around with a glare.

"Potter." She said simply and I kicked her leg while she looked me over with a pained expression.

'What?' She mouthed.

'Please say yes.' I mouthed back. She rolled her eyes about to say no, but I have her a puppy dog look.

'Fine.' She mouthed and looked back over James. I winked over at him and he had the biggest smile over his lips.

"Lily fl-" I glared at him and he stopped. "Uh, Lily, would you be interested to go with me on the first Hogsmead trip?" Lily furrowed her eyebrows at how he was acting.

"Sure." She stated simply and looked over at me with a glare. James smiled and winked back at me.

Once he got out he jumped up in the air and yelled, "I HAVE A DATE WITH EVANS!" I couldn't help but laugh while Lily hit my head.


James and Lily are going to have a date! But what will happen to Gabriella? Leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! ❤️❤️❤️

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