•Chapter 3.0•

- Tease -

Cool, Frosty air hung around the Hogwarts Castle as winter was upon everyone. The weather wasn't too cold for snow, but it still made Gabriella's nose run when she stayed outside for too long.

Halloween was upon everyone and she was checking every corner for Peeves, because he has been pranking the Gryffindor house for the beginning year prank and she has to watch her back.

Once she saw the hall clear of any poltergeist she quickly rushed to the library to meet James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter.

She struggled with her bag and took a seat next to Remus who was studying for Herbology and Sirius and James were messing around with their quills. Peter was just watching it with amusement while Gabriella chuckled.

"I can totally see why Remus is going to be the only one of us that will be able to pass NEWTS." She said while James smirked at her.

"Really? So you don't think that me and Sirius, or Peter could pass our NEWTS?" He asked faking hurt.

She rolled her eyes and looked at Sirius who was watching them with humor. "No... I think everyone can pass, expect you." She said teasingly as he smiled.

"You better run Tony the Tiger." James said while she got up out of her seat and smirked.

"I don't need to do anything Rudolph." She whispered and he was about to grab her, but she jumped back quickly and started running around through the bookcases and soon enough James caught her.

"Rudolph? I don't think I have a red nose." He said while she poked at his nose teasingly.

"You don't. It's just a deer joke." She said and he leaned down about to kiss her.

She smirked and pulled out of his grip and started walking away. "I'm not your girlfriend Potter, what do you think you're doing?" She said with amusement while his faced turned red as people started to stare at him.

He rolled his blue eyes and grinned. "Well, I guess you have to be my girlfriend if you want me to kiss you." He stated.

Gabriella kept her smirk on her face. "Who said I wanted to kiss you?" She asked innocently and walked back to the study group table as he sighed.

James ran a hand through his hair and leaned against the bookshelf. "She has a point." He muttered and came up with a plan.


Gabriella's POV

I walked down the Great Hall to be hit with the smell of pumpkins and cinnamon. I smiled and saw everyone stuffing their faces with candy and food at the same time as it was Halloween and everyone was getting in the mood for sugar.

I chuckled and sat down next to Marlene, Alex, and Quinn as I heard them say my name. "What about me?" I asked causing Alex to jump.

"Speak the name and they shall appear." She muttered while slowly shivering. I rolled my eyes at her and looked around them to see their eyes were hiding something.

"What are you guys not telling me?" I asked and Quinn but on her lip.

I looked over at her. "Quinn?" She looked at me and sighed.

Marlene's eyes glowed with anger. "Quinn!" She looked at her in guilt.

"I can't keep secrets!" She whispered yelled and looked over at me again.

"Look, we know that you and James are close friends and everything, but-" I cut her off while holding me hand in the air.

"Me and James kissed already." I said while all their eyes popped out of socket and they started yelling questions one by one.

"How could you not tell us!"

"How was it!"

"Are you dating!" I chuckled and held my hand over my mouth to cover them.

"I didn't want to tell you guys, because it wasn't that big of a deal." I stated at Marlene. "It was amazing and we did it at the Black Lake under water. The first time." I said and Alex furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's why I didn't see you until second class." She mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"And no we aren't dating. I think?" I said in a question thing about it.

"What do you mean you think?" Quinn asked and looked over at the invisible seat. "Oh..." She said thoughtfully and I looked at the invisible seat with shock.

"Did Chris see us!" I asked and she chuckled.

"No. Only in the library. He said that you were teasing him." I smiled at that.

"Now that's the truth." I said pointedly and saw Dumbledore go up to the podium ready for his speech and before I could blink, the Marauders yelped as all the sudden they grown beard that were pink and sparkly.

"That's how you do a prank." Dumbledore said and walked back to the teacher table causing me and everyone to burst out laughing.

They all ran away and probably to Madam Pomfrey to fix their little facial problem.



I know. A filler:( but I'm trying to type for when James plans something for Gabriella. And no spoilers! Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks you all so much!❤️❤️❤️

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